
County Council Declares October ‘Arts And Humanities Month’ In Los Alamos County

R.Johnson36 min ago

Los Alamos County Councilor Randall Ryti, center, presents a proclamation declaring October 'Arts and Humanities Month' to MainStreet and Creative District Event Manager Alison Watkins and The Family YMCA Operations Director George Marsden during Tuesday's council meeting. Photo by Julie Williams-Hill/LAC

Los Alamos County Council has proclaimed October "Arts and Humanities Month". The proclamation, which was read by Councilor Randall Ryti, is as follows:

WHEREAS, the month of October has been recognized as National Arts and Humanities Month by thousands of arts and cultural organizations and communities across the country for over 30 years; and

WHEREAS, the arts and humanities embody much of the accumulated wisdom, intellect, and imagination of humankind; and

WHEREAS, the arts and humanities enrich the lives of every American, including those living in Los Alamos County; and

WHEREAS, the creative industries and cultural organizations are major contributors to our economy and our quality of life; and

WHEREAS, Los Alamos is fortunate to have many thriving arts and culture organizations, some with over 80 years of contributions; and

WHEREAS, our community has hundreds of dedicated and talented individuals representing the arts and humanities including literary, visual, performance, and applied arts, as well as in the cultural sectors; and

WHEREAS, the community is invited to kick off a month of art and cultural activities with the October 5th "Day of Arts and Culture" events, which include the Los Alamos Arts Council Fall Arts & Crafts Fair and the Mural Ribbon Cutting & Celebration at Central Park Square, the Full-Dome Photography Showcase at the Los Alamos Nature Center, After Hours at the Library: Music Lounge & Life Drawing, and the Los Alamos Youth Film Festival at the SALA Los Alamos Event Center.

NOW, THEREFORE, on behalf of the Council of the Incorporated County of Los Alamos, I do hereby proclaim October 2024 as "Arts & Humanities Month" in Los Alamos County and call upon all citizens to celebrate and promote the arts, participate in cultural events, and take action for the arts and humanities.