
EDC gets two business grant proposals

E.Garcia35 min ago

Evanston's Economic Development Committee is scheduled Monday night to consider proposals to spend up to $500,000 on two different plans to aid local businesses.

One proposal, suggested by Ald. Jonathan Nieuwsma (4th), would offer $250,000 to help businesses impacted by the multi-year project to repave and upgrade Main Street through the Main-Chicago commercial district.

In a memo to the committee, Paul Zalmezak, the city's economic development manager, says that the project left a layer of dirt and dust on many storefronts. It also made the contrast between the new street and sidewalks and some old faded business signs and awnings more obvious.

Zalmezak says an estimated 42 businesses in 18 eligible buildings might qualify for up to $5,000 each in improvements under the program — which would be funded by the Chicago-Main tax increment financing district.

Zalmezak says some of the business owners have requested direct reimbursement from the city for reductions in traffic caused by the construction project, but that the city has a policy of not providing funding for businesses or residents impacted by construction.

But storefront improvements, like what Nieuwsma is proposing, are eligible expenses under the TIF rules.

The other plan, proposed by Ald. Clare Kelly (1st), would subsidize relocation expenses for small businesses displaced by rising rents.

That program is proposed as a $250,000 increase to the city's economic development fund budget, That fund was budgeted this year at just under $666,000.