
House District 22: Stefani Lord Candidate Q&A

B.James46 min ago

Sep. 29—House District 22: Stefani Lord

Political Party: Republican

Family: Thor Lord, husband

Education: Bachelors degree psychology

Occupation: Public Servant

City of Residence: Sandia Park

Campaign Website

Relevant Experience

Served two terms in the New Mexico House of Representatives, fighting fearlessly against bad bills that would harm the people of our great state.

Have you or your business, if you are a business owner, ever been the subject of any state or federal tax liens?

Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of drunken driving, any misdemeanor or any felony in New Mexico or any other state? If so, explain.

Misdemeanor 1984

Have you ever been involved in a personal or business bankruptcy proceeding?

New Mexico is highly reliant on the oil and natural gas industries to generate revenue to fund state programs, as evidenced by recent oil boom and bust cycles. What steps should the state take to diversify its economy and revenue base?

New Mexico's economy is diverse, from the energy sector to agriculture and tourism. In Santa Fe, I have been a fighter to correct the tax structure and prevent the government from intruding on Main Street.

Would you support or oppose a paid family and medical leave program that would require most employees and employers to pay into a state-run fund?

Oppose. The government should not mandate that businesses provide certain benefits to their employees. Instead, companies should have the freedom to use benefits as incentives.

What more, if anything, should the Legislature do to address a court ruling that found New Mexico is failing to provide a sufficient education to all students?

In Santa Fe, I have been a fighter for reducing the size of the bureaucratic state that controls our schools and returning power to local school boards and parents. I believe parents should have the right to choose what school their child attends, and the money should follow the child.

What changes, if any, should New Mexico make to its gross receipts tax code?

New Mexico needs to follow the lead of states across the country and transition the Gross Receipts Tax into a standard sales tax.

What changes, if any, should New Mexico make to its election laws and primary system? Do you support or oppose opening the state's primary elections to voters who aren't affiliated with either major political party?

We should do everything in our power to ensure that New Mexico's elections are safe and secure. We can begin to do this by passing and enforcing voter ID laws.

The State Land Office isn't leasing any new land until the Legislature raises oil and gas royalty rates. Would you support or oppose raising oil and gas royalty rates?

Royalties on oil and gas are taxes that will be passed down to consumers. Hardworking New Mexicans are struggling to make ends meet, so the last thing the Legislature should do is implement a new energy tax.

Do you support or oppose the state treating brackish and produced water? The New Mexico Environment Department has proposed reuse for certain projects not related to drinking water, like generating green hydrogen or running hemp farms using produced water.

The New Mexico Environment Department has proposed reuse for certain projects unrelated to drinking water, like generating hydrogen or running hemp farms using produced water. Treating brackish water strains our electric grid, raises the costs for consumers, and can damage the environment if not managed properly.

What steps should the Legislature take to address crime and improve public safety?

In Santa Fe, I have stood firm against Governor Lujan Grisham and Democrats' attempts to cut funding for law enforcement. We need to expand resources and return to a bail system that gets criminals off our streets and keeps them off.

Would you support or oppose a ban on automatic weapons?

Automatic firearms are already severely restricted, are expensive, require multiple forms and $200 tax, and can take over a year to receive. These types of legally owned firearms are not the issue. The issue is bad people doing bad things with firearms and then released right back out onto the streets.

What steps do you believe should be taken to improve New Mexico's economic competitiveness?

Our small businesses are struggling to stay afloat in this economy. We need to cut regulation—including licensing restrictions—and taxes for Main Street to flourish.

New Mexico is the only state that does not pay its legislators a salary, though lawmakers do receive per diem payments and can qualify for a legislative pension. Should lawmakers be paid a salary?

Being a legislator is a full-time job, and those who put their lives on hold should be compensated for their service, but no more than that average New Mexican Salary.

Anything else you would like to add?

Stefani Lord is a proven fighter for our communities, our families, and our rights.