
Letter: Re: the Feb. 25. article “How can it be tied?”

T.Lee25 min ago

Many of us have been asking ourselves for the last couple weeks: how can a supremely qualified person, a brilliant speaker with an optimistic message and detailed plans to help the middle class, be tied in the presidential race with a buffoon, a liar, a grifter, a thief, a philanderer, a felon?

I think I have the answer. America is deeply misogynistic and racist. If the Democrats were smart, they would have run a white man against Donald Trump. Josh Shapiro, Andy Bashear, and many others would be 20 points ahead by now. But Kamala Harris was the most qualified, and the most ready to lead. Unfortunately for us all, she happens to be black, and worse, she's a strong female.

I fear we are going to lose to that bumbling crook.

Cheryl Lovkhart