
Sunday's letters: It isn't bias; it's facts.

A.Williams25 min ago

Truth isn't bias

Recent letters from "right-minded" readers have faulted the News & Record for liberal bias — and for not providing more measured and positive coverage of Republican candidates and their policies.

Are the editors of the News & Record guilty of liberal bias, or are they just reporting the inconvenient and all too often disgraceful truth of what has become of the right's leadership?

Is it liberal bias that this paper has been unable to offer a more positive portrayal of Republican candidates who openly traffic in misogyny, race-baiting, xenophobia, hate, fraud and pathological mendacity and have addicted their followers to the pleasures of grievance, resentment and yes, even cruelty?

Hopefully, the News & Record will remain biased in its reporting of the objective truths that will inform its readers as they prepare to vote in this election ... not for party but for what's right.

Howard Becker

At what price?

Losing one's true self, says St. Mark, to gain the whole world is a cost that cannot be recovered. But to lose oneself for Trump, Vance and Robinson?

Alfred Kraemer

Big debt. Bad outcomes.

Whenever universal health care is brought up there are always those who throw out comments like "We have the best care in the world" or "The wait for care in Canada or the U.K. is horrible — keep our system." The sad truth is that, when compared to other countries with socialized medicine, the U.S. generally has the worst outcomes.

The U.S. spends nearly two times what other rich countries spend on health care, yet we rank 60th in life expectancy. In infant mortality we are 54th. Maternal mortality is double compared to other developed countries. And prescription drug prices in other countries are about one-third of what they are here.

In the U.S., about 20 million adults have medical debt, with most owing more than $1,000. About 11 million of those owe more than $2,000, and 3 million owe between $5,001 and $10,000. Another 3 million owe more than $10,000.

Our medical system is not serving our people well. Managed care, insurance costs and pharmaceutical profits are hurting us all. With all our medical advances, and our money, we should be doing much better. It is way past time for some form of universal health care if we want to work our way back to ranking as one of the top countries.

Francie Portnoy

High Point

The RFK ballot ruling

I'm astounded I have not read a single letter regarding the N.C. Supreme Court rulings regarding RFK Jr's ballot access versus gerrymandering.

The following excerpt is from an NPR report on the gerrymandering case:

The majority of the state court said that there is "no judicially manageable standard by which to adjudicate partisan gerrymandering claims" and courts "are not intended to meddle in policy matters.

"This case is not about partisan politics but rather about realigning the proper roles of the judicial and legislative branches. Today we begin to correct course, returning the judiciary to its designated lane," said the majority opinion, which was written by North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby, a Republican.

This ruling grant's our state legislature an unfettered right to rig elections and disenfranchise countless North Carolina voters.

The following excerpt is from The Hill on RFK Jr. case:

"To protect this important right, the elections process should ensure that voters are presented with accurate information regarding the candidates running for an elected office," the order reads. "Where a ballot contains misleading information or inaccurately lists the candidates, it risks interfering with the right to vote according to one's conscience."

The majority specifically noted that keeping Kennedy's name on the ballot "could disenfranchise countless voters who mistakenly believe that plaintiff remains a candidate for office."

This ruling is in direct contrast to the previous ruling and violates N.C. law. Do we need any more evidence we have an overtly partisan court?

Tim Williams

The deleted comics

Let me join in with the customers complaining about the "refreshing" of the comics page.

I'm disappointed with some of the deletions and mystified by others. I love "Pearls Before Swine" but understand it might not be for everybody. "Peanuts" and "Garfield" are gone, though. Really?

I'll really miss "Doonesbury" on Sunday but I know conservatives hate it. Snuffy Smith shootin' at revenooers should give them a chuckle.

At least you're saving me time since I don't have to waste it on your comics page now.

Greg Narvid

High Point