
The great iced coffee taste test! FEMAIL tests out 16 cans of ready made coffee - with VERY surprising results

J.Wright2 hr ago
Hunt and Brew Ethiopia Coffee



Alanah said the caramel notes made it easy to drink

'It's on the pricier side, but it's probably the best ready to drink coffee I've tried before. I usually shy away from black coffee with fears that it'll be too strong or bitter, but the caramel notes made it easy to drink. It felt like a healthy option with great ingredients that didn't compromising on taste.'

- Alanah Khosla

Bizzi Drinks Matcha Collagen Latte

£20.50 for 12


Elmira said this drink made an ideal afternoon pick me up

'I greatly enjoyed this drink even thought the citrusy hit felt like an unusual addition to the earthy matcha flavour.

' As someone who doesn't enjoy the addition of milk to seemingly every other matcha product out there, I thought this had a refreshing twist that was the perfect afternoon pick me up.'

- Elmira Tanatarova

Arctic Coffee Caramel



Alice said the caramel flavour was silky and delicious

'For once, I am impressed by a caramel latte.

'This carton coffee has a delicious silky caramel flavour and hints of cinder toffee. Rather than just tasting like sugar, the slightly burnt toffee flavour is very distinctive and pleasant.

'My only complaint is that I wish the flavour of the coffee was a bit stronger as otherwise, it's more of a sweet treat than a caffeine fix.'

- Alice Wade

Aldi latte cappuccino



Alice said Aldi's latte cappuccino reminds her of the iced coffees she's had on holiday

'It really depends what you're going for, but when I'm after a shop bought coffee, it's usually because I'm craving a hit of sugar and this passed with flying colours on that front. It's not too milky and the coffee flavour itself is really pleasant, especially given you know it costs less. The flavours are well balanced and reminded me of iced coffees I've had on holidays.'

- Alice Wade

Hunt & Brew Colombia Coffee



Bridie said the Colombia coffee had a smooth taste and wasn't overly sweet

'A really smooth nice taste that isn't overly sweet like a lot of iced coffees. I use to drink this in Australia (where the coffee is very good!) so was very excited to see it had launched in the UK.

'I personally would have liked a bit of a stronger coffee flavour, it's a tad milky - but it's definitely a good one if you don't have much of a sweet tooth.

'The coffee isn't overly acidic and it has a bit of a nutty aftertaste. It also taste fresh, while some can seem like they're made with UHT milk.'

- Bridie Pearson-Jones

Grind Iced Black Coffee



Alanah said that the Grind black coffee gave her a decent caffeine hit

'This was a nice afternoon pick me up. It tasted good and definitely gave me a caffeine hit. I liked the fact that there's no hidden ingredients and only 13 calories in it as well, making it a solid, guilt free coffee on the go'.

- Alanah Khosla

Califia Farm Mocha with almond milk



Jowena said the texture was silky smooth but there wasn't enough coffee flavour to give it a top mark

'I tried Califia Farm's Mocha with Almond Milk and the first sip left me pleasantly surprised. The texture was silky smooth, while I could taste a slight nutty hint of almond and a more powerful essence of chocolate - which is just the level of richness I expect when ordering a mocha. However, I was left with a not-so-bitter taste in my mouth as I couldn't detect much of a coffee taste in it - let alone the 'caffeine hit' that comes with it. Despite the label listing '33 per cent coffee' as part of its ingredients, I honestly would have assumed a percentage of less than 15 going by taste and sensation alone.' - Jowena Riley

Jimmy's Iced Coffee Original



For Bridie, this one was tasty but a little too milky

'A decent cup! Certainly tasty and refreshing - a little too milky for my liking, but I think it would be a great option for latte and cappuccino drinkers. It has a pretty smooth taste and isn't overly sweet and would definitely be a refreshing pick me up on a sunny day, but probably not a strong enough coffee taste for espresso or americano drinkers!' - Bridie Pearson-Jones

Costa Coffee - Caramel Latte Smooth & Creamy



Elmira said Costa's caramel latte had a smooth texture but lacked flavour

'While the texture is indeed smooth and creamy, this drink is depressingly bland. It doesn't really taste much of anything except for milk - but may be the perfect pick for people who want a pick-me up that isn't too sweet, or going to give you coffee breath.'

- Elmira Tanatarova

Emmi, Skinny Caffe Latte



Danny said that the coffee would have got extra points if it was less calorific

'This was definitely on the sweet side. Seems to be a bit of a rend in Britain at the moment to make canned iced coffee sweet and milky.

'Despite being a skinny, it still felt like I had just had a sip of milk and I definitely need more of a coffee taste. It does say no added sugar, but contains 15g of the stuff. I give it bonus points for being bigger and less calorific.' - Danny Hussain

Grind Iced Oat Flat White



Bridie said this coffee was too oaty and not strong enough for her

'Overwhelmingly oaty! It tastes like blended porridge that may have walked past a coffee machine. I appreciate the effort for those who don't like dairy, but need 10 times the strength of flavour in coffee. Points for smoothness, and the Grind cans are 10 out of 10, but sadly it might be a case of style over substance.'

- Bridie Pearson-Jones

Jimmy's caramel



Alice said the coffee was too milky for her taste

'This was okay, nothing too impressive in any respect but I managed to finish the bottle with few problems. The caramel flavour was pretty weak and the coffee felt as though it had been mostly watered down by gallons of milk, but overall not too many complaints.'

- Alice Wade

Costa Coffee Frappe Caramel Swirl



'I shook the drink before opening it and upon the first sip unfortunately the flavours were still as dull as the tinned cold caramel latte from Costa. For a 'frappe' I was expecting more flavour, but it did not deliver. Instead it was very milky, which would probably benefit people who did not like the taste of coffee and prefer milkshakes. Caramel flavour was not strong at all and instead there was a dull sweet taste, similar to the latte.'

- Gina Kalsi

Gina thought the caramel coffee was not strong enough

Jimmy's Iced Coffee with Oat



Alanah said Jimmy's Iced Coffee with oat gave her a strange after taste

'I really wanted to like this one, but I just didn't like the taste. It didn't have enough coffee and gave me a strange after taste. I couldn't finish it'.

- Alanah Kholsa

Jude's Flat White



Bridie said the drink only had a hint of coffee

'This was an extremely disappointing drink. I was hoping for a deep coffee flavour with just a hint of milk and sugar. Instead, it felt like I was drinking coffee flavoured milk. I had to toss some of it. Really didn't hit the spot.'

Bizzi Coffee and collagen turmeric coffee



Alice said this coffee tasted sour and was not for her

'Perhaps I was over excitedly expecting this to taste slightly sweet since it has vanilla listed as an ingredient but it took be for a double shock in that it was sour and gritty. The flavour of the 'coffee' was weirdly ripe and fruity, not for me.'

- Alice Wade