
Time is now to help

B.Hernandez46 min ago

Dear W.C.,

As a single mother I work two jobs to make ends meet. My ex does not help at all with our three children as he disappeared out of state and refuses to pay his child support. It has all fallen on my shoulders for the past ten years. Last month my daughter was hit while riding her bike to work and her leg had a severe break. She had two surgeries to pin the bones back in place. She will require another surgery in the future. It was a hit and run and they have not caught the driver. I had to take off work for eight weeks to care for her as she was not able to do anything on her own. I have not received any income for the past two months, so we are really feeling the strain on our budget. My car desperately needs a repair, and I will be in even worse trouble financially if it dies on me. I have cut back on food and every other expense so I can afford gas to get us to my daughter's doctor's appointments and my job that I will be returning to next week. While I am relieved my daughter is doing better, I am now so stressed about our financial situation that I can hardly sleep or eat. I have never had to ask for help in all these years as a single mother until now.

Dear Readers,

I called the worried mother to see how we could help. She was stressed to tears by the situation she found herself and her children in. After a brief introduction we got right to work discussing her budget and options.

We talked about her jobs, one as a waitress and the other doing deliveries, and how she had managed to care for her family of four for so many years on her own. She was hard working and strong but the accident her 16-year-old daughter endured had taken a toll on her physically and mentally. She admitted to losing weight and not sleeping due to the stress she was under. She half jested that not eating was helpful since they only had enough money for food for her children right now, but I did not find any humor in that.

We discussed her daughter and what she had gone through since the hit and run accident. She was able to get around better now and no longer needed her mothers around the clock help with basic needs. She was in school and recovering well.

After going over their budget thoroughly I could see the mother had their finances down to the penny each month. There was not any funds for savings or car repairs, but her history showed she was rarely late with her rent or utilities. Her eighteen-year-old son worked over the summer and after school, and her daughter had contributed when she had been able to work before her accident. They contributed what they could to help their family, but over the past month her son had used his whole check just to buy food for his family.

I put together a plan to give this mother the helping hand up she needed to get them back on their feet. This included three months' rent, a utility payment, the much-needed car repair, and gift cards for gas, food, school supplies, clothing for the children and toiletries. We talked about the mother's stress and how she needed to manage it in a healthier way. When I reminded her that her children needed her healthy so she could continue to protect and mother them, this seemed to strike a chord as she tearfully promised she would do that for them.

When I checked in with this family last week I heard a different voice on the phone. This one was not worried or tearful. The mother was back at work and had even found a better second job to supplement their income. The mother told me her children had something to tell me and I heard, "Thank you Sal and everyone at The Time is Now to Help!" shouted in the background. This brought an immediate smile to my face as I heard them all laughing and grateful for what we had done to help their family.

Thank you for providing the gift of poverty relief to this family during such a difficult time. God Bless You for your support that made this assistance and all our poverty relief efforts possible.

Health & Happiness, Love & GOD Bless Everyone, Sal

Please Help: There are many coming to us in desperation. Our good fellow creations need our compassion. Together we make a big difference. Make checks payable to: The Time Is Now to Help, P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. The Time Is Now to Help is a federally recognized 501©3 charitable organization. You will receive a tax deductible, itemized thank you receipt showing how 100% of your donation was used for providing poverty relief.

Please visit our website to read more of our past and current columns and/or to make a donation: Please go to the home page, follow the yellow highlighted link that says WC Letters to see current and past columns.

A Very Special Thank You: Clarence W. and Marilyn Schawk Donor Fund, Phil and Susan Hagenah, John and Valerie Lincoln, Ziegler Charitable Foundation, Paul Ziegler, Kunes Country Auto Group, United Way of Walworth County, Jim and Lynette Heimann, Timothy and Brenda Wegge, Lee and Barbara Zuzanek, Paper Dolls, Lake Geneva Area Realty, Dr. Mark and Cynthia Brower, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuberth, Martin Group, John Stensland and family, Chris Adams, PayPal Giving Fund, John Dehamer, Karin Collamore, Greg Johns, Carole Johansson, Margo Goldberg, Gene Douglas, Denise Hubbard, Bob and Millie McCormick, John and Rita Race, Jill Weckesser, David and Janice Busscher, Stanley Roelker, Marianne Bretz, Saints Simeon and Anna Anglican Church, Rosemarie Reiherzer, Carol Feist, Mary Jane Feist, all of our anonymous donors and ALL of you who support The Time Is Now to Help donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now donation box in your business, please call (262) 249-7000.

Prayer Chain: The power of prayer and positive thoughts comes from the true healer, our Lord answering our prayers. Please pray for healing for the following people: Brian, Mike, Sylvia, Megan, Kayla, Maria C., Judy, Scott, Annie, Marilyn, Brandon, Helen, Dennis, Mary, Joseph, Jordan, Jean, Tom L., Dr. Peter, Matthew, Pam E., Jenene B., John S., Patricia H., Wendy, Eric, Anthony, Mary, Charlie, Tom P., Christina, Billy, Mike, Cheryl, Bryan E., Betty, Ellie, Concetta and Cheryl.

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