
Tucson Speaks Out: Sept. 29 letters of the day

Z.Baker2 hr ago

I'm learning a new language!

In mid-September, when Jerome Powell, head of the Federal Reserve, dropped interest rates a half a point because inflation was easing, Republicans cried "election interference."

And even though Donald Trump for two years has been trashing Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine, scaring off Republicans from attending a visit by Zelenskyy to the Scranton, Pennsylvania, Army Munitions Plant, Republicans now want to claim the visit was Democratic Party "election interference" and are opening an investigation.

Yet earlier this year, after over a year of negotiation, when it looked like a long awaited, bipartisan bill on immigration was negotiated in the Senate, Donald Trump slammed the bill and caused Republican Senators to vote against the bill. Even Mitch McConnell voted against the bill he was for. This was done so Trump could run for president this year on the issue of immigration. No Republican investigation was opened for "election interference."

I'm trying to decipher the new Republican language. It's called "Hypocritish".

Matt Somers

Once Again MAGA Republicans Break the Law

For being the "law and order" party, MAGA Republicans cannot prevent themselves from breaking the law.

Just this past week, MAGA Republicans shot up the Tempe Harris/Walz office. In Tucson, the large Harris/Walz signs have been defaced. And, on the Northeast side of Tucson, a friend of mine had a Harris/Walz yard sign stolen.

These events are against the law. Unless you catch someone in the act, very few people get arrested. For the past eight years, if they disagree with something, they resort to name calling, threatening someone's life, and actual physical violence. They learned this technique from their cult leader who said there would be a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win. We should not be solving our problems with violence.

In every contest there are winners and there are losers. Just because you lose it does not give you license to threaten anyone or actually physically harm someone.

Bonnie Heidler

Northeast side

Rex Scott for Pima District 1 Supervisor

As a candidate for District 1 Supervisor in 2020, Rex Scott pledged to lead with a caring heart and an open mind — listening to constituents, seeking advice when necessary, and collaborating and compromising with colleagues. He kept that campaign promise. He also promised to focus on issues and results. He did that as well, as evidenced by accelerated road repairs, grants, and expanded preschool education. He has earned our vote in the 2024 election.

Scott ran as a Democrat, but he governed in a non-partisan way. This is worth noting. He is exactly the kind of politician we need in this divisive political climate — a person who puts people before party, the common good before power. Lifting up leaders like Rex Scott provides a model for others and pathway to lifting ourselves out of this corrosive political environment. We can do this.

Lynne Hudson

Northwest side

Signs of the time

As the Chair of the Pima County Democratic Party, I learn very quickly of the (criminal) defacement and theft of signs supporting Harris / Walz. Although not uncommon in prior elections, it has reached epidemic proportions in this cycle. My sources tell me it is being encouraged by Republican Party leadership both locally and nationally, notwithstanding the deeply undemocratic nature of it or the potentially criminal liability to those caught in the act. Those committing these acts reveal themselves as Americans impoverished of any true patriotism — fearful of anyone challenging their insecurities. I understand enforcement is difficult, but it underscores the moral weakness of those who do this. I encourage that Dems should not retaliate in kind. Independents should take note as their alignment is especially critical in 2024.

Eric Robbins

UA execs rewarded for failure

Re: Robbins may receive bonuses while teaching, September 26 A1

So failed, disgraced, top executives at the University of Arizona continue to get paid their obscene annual salaries — like $500,000 to $1 million — plus all kinds of extra money. Meanwhile faculty, who are doing the actual teaching and research, which is the purpose of the university, continually get passed over for raises and are stuck well under $100,000 per year. And staff even lower. And, imagine, faculty and staff get no bonuses, no free cars, no free housing — just larger classes, fewer staffers, more "service."

What kind of message do we think this sends to our students? Mediocrity pays? Poor performance pays? I think it's time for a new Board of Regents. And a Legislature that knows where to put money that properly incentivizes and actually benefits Arizona's young people.

Maggy Zanger

Examine your conscience

I'll turn 75 before the November election. I wonder where the time went, but not for whom I'll vote. It won't be Trump. Here's why. First I'm Catholic and was taught to lead a life dedicated to helping others. "Treat others as you want to be treated," the nuns preached. "Be kind. Tell the truth. Make amends." Trump doesn't follow these admonitions: He isn't kind, doesn't tell the truth, and encourages violence. He focuses on himself, not on others.

Second, as a Girl Scout I sold cookies and learned the Girl Scout laws. "A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted" was a message I took to heart. Act honorably, be trustworthy, help one another, be kind, fair, and honest, do the right thing even if it's hard. I promised to live that way. Trump doesn't live that way.

How you were raised, what do you believe, how did you promise to act? Examine your conscience, then decide who gets your vote.

Kay Cushing

Southeast side

Animal rights and factory farming

Hello, I have recently learned that the "The Agriculture Conversion Act" was introduced to Congress. This bill proposes to provide funding to farmers looking to transition from the practices of factory farming in order to adopt more humane systems. This legislation is so very overdue and so crucial for the wellbeing of these innocent farm animals who are treated so terribly day after day after day. Factory farming is a grotesque blemish on our country, and I am urging everyone to lobby your federal representatives and tell them to support the passage of this bill.

American society should be better than one that allows anything like factory farming and its cruel mistreatment of animals everyday across the country. I urge your readers to tell their representatives in Washington that this bill must be passed.

Judy Kesslering

West side

Your vote matters

In this time of political discourse, it is easy to feel disheartened and think that your vote does not matter. It does. You have a choice and right to participate in selecting our future. The national and state Republican candidates have consistently voted against the use of science, clean water, clean air, climate resilience, and the environment. All this while they orchestrate the giveaway of the public's resources to foreign companies for drilling, mining and development where their profits leave the country rather than staying in the USA. Your vote matters. Project 2025 clearly lays out the agenda for a second Trump term — more of the same grifting supercharged by revenge with the rubber stamp of approval from the Republican selected Supreme Court and federal judges. Your vote matters. Vote for a future of hope and responsible direction and not one of falsehoods and hate.

David Wegner

The silly season

It's that time again when people seem entitled to make total fools of themselves in public. Lie, cheat, be nasty; it's all ok from now 'til November. Make oneself seem virtuous by slandering the opponent. Litter the streets with ever-larger signs with nothing but their name. No party; no political stance; just their name. Kinda remind you of voting for High School Homecoming Queen? Then when it's all over, we get to choose one to run our government. Makes sense to me.

Ken Chernock

Northwest side

he rise in severe obesity

With reference to the "Severe Obesity is on the rise in the US", I couldn't help but notice that no mention was made anywhere about nutrition or dietary lifestyle. The immediate reaction was to look to medication. A healthy dietary lifestyle can seem unattainable when people are surrounded by junk food, in the form of processed foods in supermarkets, fast food on almost every corner, processed food in gas stations and candy at check outs. In general though, I believe most people are aware that we should all eat more vegetables, whole grains and fruits, and we need doctors and nutritionists who can give solid advice about what to eat. Sadly doctors receive little training in nutrition. The 80% diet 20% exercise advice is nothing new, but is a good way to start. We cannot exercise ourselves out of obesity unless our dietary lifestyles change as well.

Eleanor Thomas


Many of us have been asking ourselves for the last couple weeks: how can a supremely qualified person, a brilliant speaker with an optimistic message and detailed plans to help the middle class, be tied in the presidential race with a buffoon, a liar, a grifter, a thief, a philanderer, a felon?

I think I have the answer. America is deeply misogynistic and racist. If the Democrats were smart, they would have run a white man against Donald Trump. Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, and many others would be 20 points ahead by now. But Kamala Harris was the most qualified, and the most ready to lead. Unfortunately for us all, she happens to be Black, and worse, she's a strong female.

I fear we are going to lose to that bumbling crook.

Cheryl Lovkhart