
Wexford councillor ‘hugely disappointed’ as planning permission for new roundabout is appealed

B.Hernandez1 hr ago
A planning application was made by Tom and Pat Redmond on May, 7, 2024 to change the use of an existing building from an industrial unit to builders providers including the provision of a roundabout at the Ballyloughan junction of the R772 and L5032.

A letter by senior executive engineer Joanne Kehoe said she had reviewed the proposal and deemed the roundabout's design acceptable.

Ms Kehoe also outlined a number of changes which must be made to the proposed plans. Among the changes; the paths need to be widened to 3 metres, signage and road markings are to be in compliance with the Road Traffic Manual, street lighting must extend the full-length of the new speed limit area, and the proposed 60km/h speed limit area to extend 300metres north and south from the area of the existing junction.

Speaking at the Gorey Kilmuckridge Municipal District meeting recently, Cllr Donal Kenny began by congratulating Wexford County Council's planning section on the work they'd done preparing this particular planning submission.

"It was only a few short weeks ago that the planning section did a huge amount of work on delivering the planning submission for the roundabout out at Ballyloughan.

"Even though it was objected to and objections were put in about it. A lot of work went into it and now all of a sudden this same individual has sent it to the board with no consideration for safety of road users and certainly no appreciation of businesses developing their businesses in the business park out there. So many businesses want to go into that business park. Now all of a sudden, the whole yoke has been brought to a standstill," said Cllr Kenny.

Cllr Donal Kenny went on to say he was "hugely disappointed" that "a certain individual" had objected to the planning application at Ballyloughan.

"This is gone to the board now and could be held up for another year now and it's hugely disappointing especially when this is no cost to the council. We're getting a €1million worth of a roundabout at Ballyloughan. Us as councillors are we to defend it?

"We're looking for a roundabout at Johnny Vaughan's, there will possibly be a roundabout at the Waleran's site and are individuals like this going to come along willy nilly and object for flooding? It's hugely disappointing but for the individual involved, I'm not surprised," said Cllr Kenny.

Cllr Kenny said he'd be very interested to know how his colleagues felt about this issue. Cathaoirleach of the Gorey Kilmuckridge Municipal District Cllr Oliver Walsh then cut in, as he recognised "the heightened feelings about this".

Executive Planner Oisín Boland responded that he couldn't discuss the Ballyloughan roundabout issue because it's currently a live application. "That's been appealed to the board and the appellant has the right to appeal it so we can't discuss it at the moment," said Mr Boland.

Cllr Joe Sullivan supported Cllr Kenny's comments in relation to this issue. "I think it would be a huge addition to the area and I would ask the senior people in planning in Wexford if they could use whatever influence they could to expedite the process. I'm not asking them to interfere, expedite to get the decision on it as soon as possible so it can move on," said Cllr Sullivan.

Cllr Nicky Boland also agreed with Cllr Kenny's statements, particularly as he owns a business in the Ballyloughan area. "We need more businesses to go to that area in the town. If something could happen on it, it would be great investment as well," said Cllr Boland.

Similarly, Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council Cllr Pip Breen felt this roundabout would be an essential addition to the area as "it's a very dangerous T-junction".