
Hints from Heloise: Tips for removing makeup, recycling options and more

E.Wilson30 min ago

Dear Heloise: I have some tips for applying eye makeup flawlessly. If you ever have problems with mascara or eye shadow getting onto your eyelids or cheeks by accident while you're applying it, there are two items you can use to remove the spots without having to use makeup remover:

  • For removing mascara spots without them smearing on your skin, let the spot or smudge dry completely for a minute. Then use the pointed tip of a disposable, Q-tip-type of eye makeup applicator to flick the dried mascara off your skin. (You can also fold a tissue enough times to form a stiff point and use the point to flick off the spot.)
  • For removing a larger patch of mascara or eye shadow on the skin, just take a strip of scotch tape, press it onto the smudge, and the spot will lift right off with no marks left on your skin. - Wendy McGovern, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

    Dear Heloise: I understand why so many of your readers are wanting to help educate others about recycling. I am such a fanatic about recycling that everyone in our home, including visitors, are asked to place disposable items on the kitchen counter or in a box so that I can go through it. This way, I can make sure that I sort things according to our city's recycling rules.

    It's important to understand that every city has its own rules for recycling, and they vary drastically. Not everyone can recycle the same way across the country. So, be sure to check with your local city about their options. - Jacque Petterson, in San Antonio


    Dear Heloise: I suffer from memory loss, but my dear husband is as sharp as a tack. Sometimes he gets up before me and needs to run errands, so he created a time chart to let me know when he'll be back. While I could call him, the time chart easily lets me know when he'll be back.

    My husband wrote the hours from 8 a.m.-8 p.m on a heavy sheet of card stock. We have a large paper clip that he slides up and down to the time he expects to be back so I know when to expect him. For example, if he's going to be home by noon, he just slides the paper clip to 12 p.m.

    This chart is posted on the outside of our kitchen cupboard. We also have an add-on piece of paper that says whether the cats have been fed. It's simple and easy to read, and it also eliminates any worries for me. - M.H., in New York


    Dear Heloise: I was unable to remember what items were in the back or bottom of my refrigerator's freezer. So, I carefully measured and purchased plastic bins, then labeled them as "meat,""vegetables" and "miscellaneous." I can easily pull out the bin and find what I'm looking for now. - B.H., in California


    Dear Heloise: This is Gretel. She is a 1-year-old red sable, loose-wirehaired dachshund. I love your column! - Susan Duhm, via email

    Readers, to see Gretel and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise.com and click on "Pet of the Week."

    Do you have a furry friend to share with our readers? Send a photo and a brief description to . - Heloise

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