FlashNews Privacy Policy

This document is an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and the provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures to make the terms of this policy binding. We care for the privacy of our users and have laid out all our policies for the user to understand. We ask users to carefully read this before proceeding with using the application.

  • User Information

    FlashNews collects your email during registration. Apart from that, it is the user's choice to provide other personal information such as location. You acknowledge that such collection and use of personal information is done on a voluntary basis to enable FlashNews to provide you efficient access to features, functions, promotions, products and services. You may not use a false email address or other identifying information, impersonate any person or entity or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any user content.

  • Device information

    We automatically collect IP addresses, website usage and application usage information from you when you visit our app or download Applications. When you download and use Applications, we may also collect your unique device ID or UDID, which is a number uniquely associated with your mobile device. We do not and cannot use the UDID to identify you personally. Rather this information helps us evaluate how users use our applications, and permits us to enhance the applications.

  • Use of Cookies

    Like many other applications, we may use cookies to improve your experience and to save you time. Cookies are little tags that we place onto your device. We assign a cookie to your device when you first visit us in order to enable us to recognize you each time you return. Through cookies we can customize our Mobile application to your individual preferences in order to create a more personalized experience.

    Users should note that the cookies we use for our website or email campaigns do not store personally identifiable information about them.

  • Server Security

    When you use or access the Platform, we offer the use of a secure server. Once your information is in our possession we adhere to strict security guidelines in compliance with the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000, protecting it against unauthorized access. FlashNews employs industry standard security measures to ensure the security of data and information it collects. Any data that is stored on FlashNews servers is treated as proprietary and confidential. FlashNews maintains an internal security policy with respect to the confidentiality of your data and information so collected.

  • Data Security

    The security of your personal information is very important to us. When you enter sensitive information, we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. In an effort to make our mobile application as effective and enjoyable as possible; we collect certain information each time you visit us. We store these statistics in server logs.

    These statistics do not identify you personally, but provide us information regarding the type of user who is accessing our mobile application and certain browsing activities of that user. This data may include, but is not limited to the IP address, the type of browser, device id, push token, operating system, last visited time, how long the user accessed our website/mobile application in any given session, and the date and time of access. We may make extensive use of this data at an aggregated level in order to understand how our website or mobile application is being used. We may share some of the aggregate findings (not the specific data) with advertisers, sponsors, investors, strategic partners, and others in order to help grow our business. We, however, would never share specific user data with the above parties.

  • Information Sharing

    FlashNews may use various outside agencies (third party service providers) to make our mobile application or website operate. For example, we may use third parties to host, operate various features made available, send emails, analyze data, etc. Some of these third parties may need access to your information in order to make the services provided through our website or mobile application work. Information will only be disclosed to these service providers on a need-to-know basis, and they will only be permitted to use such information for the purpose of providing the particular services provided by such entities in connection with our mobile application or website.

    We do not sell, rent, trade or exchange any personal information including but not limited to mobile number, email id, gender, age of our users. The data shared and featured on our app regarding the offers has granted permission i.e. app icons, offer info and details. The payment gateway we use is fully authorised and encrypted and we have permission for the same.

  • Third Party Platforms

    Our Service includes links to other apps or Web sites whose privacy practices may differ from those of the Company. These other websites are not subject to this Privacy Policy, and we have no control over how such websites may use the personal information collected on those sites. Similarly, the Applications you download from our app are owned by third parties and we have no control over what information is collected or used by such third parties as a result of your use of such Applications. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy statements. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy statement of any Web site you visit or app you install.

  • Emails

    We do not intend to spam our users and they may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in the emails we send.

  • Advertising

    Your information may be used for the presentation of advertisements. We may use ad networks to customize and display advertising on our application. We may share certain information about you as a user (such as gender, location or other information we have collected or received) with certain ad networks and service providers to help them deliver more relevant content and advertisements through their networks. We may from time to time work with other companies for certain services such as analytics or advertising, and you may be subject to their privacy policies as well, though you may opt out through them directly.

  • Contact/Device/Personal Information

    You may share the names, numbers and email addresses contained in Your device's address book (Contact Information) with FlashNews for the purpose of sending invitations under FlashNews's referral programme. If you provide us with personal information about someone else, you confirm that they are aware that You have provided their data and that they consent to our processing of their data according to our Privacy Policy. Please note that no other Contact Information than the phone numbers and thereto attached names and email addresses will be received, stored and used from the User's address book.

  • News Information

    FlashNews places the News tile, through which anyone may read articles on their end. The information present on the app is sourced from third parties and may contain links to them. You agree and understand that the privacy policy of the third parties is not under our control. We advise you to consult the privacy policy of the respective third parties for more detailed information.

  • Changes in privacy policy

    We are committed to the privacy of our users and may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any material changes in the way we use user information or device information collected FlashNews mobile app or at the website (www.theflashnews.co) we will notify you by email (if your email is updated with us during the policy change) or mobile app notifications and at the top of this Privacy Policy web page.