FlashNews Terms & Condition

FlashNews collects the following information from the user:

  • Unique identifiers and device information like user name, password, Android ID, Android version, IMEI, GAID, Device ID , Device manufacturer and device model
  • The device carrier
  • Information regarding phone calls
  • If the device is rooted or not
  • User location
  • Details regarding the apps used by the user or installed in the device
  • Usage frequency, responses to the offerings and advertisements presented or made available by FlashNews
  • Information about any devices, connections and methods used to access and interact with FlashNews
  • Information specifically related to service usage, including information that user publicly post using tools made available by us
  • Demographic information such as age, date of birth, location and gender, when the user provides the information.
  • Contact information and registration data such as name, email address, phone numbers in permissions granted to us

This is how FlashNews uses the collected information:

  • IMEI is accessed to make sure the customer is a valid user.
  • GAID is used for advertising purposes only.
  • Location is used to provide the users with specific location targeted offers.
  • To reward the user and to inform the user regarding the rewards
  • To tailor FlashNews experience to user preferences
  • To verify unique FlashNews account of the user
  • To send the user requested product or service information via email and sms
  • To monitor your FlashNews account
  • To notify the transactions made by the user
  • To respond to the users questions and concerns
  • To improve our Services and marketing efforts
  • To conduct research and analysis
  • To display content based upon user interests and personalize the content and advertising received by the user
  • To offer users other products, features, or services that may be of interest

We will only use permitted Contact Information to make our Services more relevant to You and Your engagement with the app.

Please note that no other Contact Information than the phone numbers and thereto attached names and email addresses will be received, stored and used from the User's address book.

As is true of most Web sites, we automatically gather information about user device, manner of connecting to the Internet and the name of Internet service provider or wireless carrier; and data relating to malfunctions or problems occurring when user use our services. Additionally, we may collect information about other software/applications on user device for the limited purpose of protecting user security or improving user online experience. User information may be supplemented with additional information from other companies such as publicly available information, information about households, and other information that we may append or match to user information.


We believe strongly in user privacy and ask that users refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how we collect, use and disclose personal information.


Our application is not directed at individuals under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 18. If a user is 18 years old or younger, they are not authorized to register or submit any content or information in connection with the application. If the user lives in a state or country where consent of a parent or guardian is required (if the user is under the applicable age of majority in such jurisdiction), the user may be required by us to secure such consent prior to registration with the Service. By using the application, the user represents and warrants that the user is of sufficient age, or that the user has such consent.

Rewards and Wallet

Users earnings or rewards shall be based solely on the number quality of acceptable reports received by FlashNews from its clients (advertisers). FlashNews is not liable for rewards lost or not credited in the user's wallet due to internet connectivity issues, bugs in FlashNews system or any other factor.

Limitation of Authority

Users shall have no authority to bind, obligate, or commit FlashNews in any manner, including by any promise or representation, whether oral or written, unless specifically authorized by FlashNews in writing.


In the event any dispute, arbitration, or litigation arises out of, in connection with, or as the result of any act performed by User pursuant to this agreement, or failure to perform, as the case may be, User shall cooperate fully with FlashNews in an effort to resolve the same. User agrees to indemnify and hold FlashNews harmless of and from any and all claims, demands, suits, and liabilities, including costs and attorney\'s fees, to which FlashNews may be subjected by reason of or in connection with any proceeding arising out of the conduct or omissions of User. It is the policy of FlashNews to avoid litigation whenever possible but the decision whether or not to enter into or maintain litigation shall be the decision of FlashNews alone. This obligation shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

Termination of Agreement

Either party may, at any time, terminate this agreement for any reason or for no reason at all. However, each shall continue to comply with any and all obligations of this Agreement that are intended to survive its termination or expiration. User understands that in the event of termination or expiration, User will receive the balance reward the User has earned acceptable. FlashNews and User shall deal with each other fairly and in good faith relative to this Agreement. User further understands that if User has participated in any incentive promotion pursuant to which User may be entitled to a bonus, trip, or any kind of award/ rewards, User will not be entitled to the same if it was not actually received prior to the date of termination. FlashNews may terminate User accounts without prior notice if any suspicious activity is found which comes in the way of natural or intended functioning of FlashNews. Termination of user accounts will be at sole discretion of FlashNews.

Breach of Agreement

User understands and agrees that any breach or threatened breach by User of the non-competition and non-disclosure provisions contained in this Agreement will cause FlashNews substantial, irreparable harm which is difficult to measure, and that FlashNews therefore may obtain an injunction against such conduct and User consents thereto. This right is in addition to any other rights FlashNews may have against the User for breach of this Agreement. Therefore, whenever FlashNews may apply for restraining order or injunction against User for breaching or threatening to breach this Agreement as described above, User waives any notice to which User may be entitled and consents to such restraining order or injunction. If FlashNews proceeds against User in the state court for Delhi, or the Indian High Courts/ Supreme Court situated in or closest to said area of Delhi, on any cause of action arising out of this Agreement, User agrees that such court may exercise personal jurisdiction over User. In the event of any breach of this Agreement by User, User agrees to pay FlashNews all losses and damages sustained as a result thereof, as well as court costs, attorney fees, and related expenses.

Other Miscellaneous Terms

FlashNews services are available only to and can only be used by an individual who can form legally binding contracts as per the prevailing laws in India. The term individual shall only include a living person and does not include all other legal creations. The services are not available to minors under the age of 18 or to any users suspended or removed from accessing FlashNews for any reason. Each notice to either FlashNews or User required here under shall be in writing and emailed to the addresses provided by the parties unless and until any such address is changed in writing. FlashNews and User shall exercise best efforts to communicate to the other any such change in address. Such notices shall be deemed given when mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested. Any written notice may be personally delivered, but personally delivered notices shall be deemed given only on the date of actual receipt. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the terms and conditions of User\'s independent contractor relationship with FlashNews. FlashNews reserves the right to make changes to the Site, related policies and agreements, the terms of services and the Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to the user. FlashNews may assign this Agreement to any successor to all or part of its business or to any parent, subsidiary, or affiliated company. Users may not assign this Agreement, or any part thereof, without FlashNews's written consent. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid under such laws, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby and that part shall remain enforced. Furthermore, User agrees to abide by all local, state and national laws where applicable while serving in the capacity of Independent Contractor/ User to FlashNews. This Agreement supersedes any prior understanding or agreements between the parties. Once a user agrees to the Terms Conditions, it automatically implies that they are consenting adults. When a user logs into FlashNews, they agree to the installation of various other applications using News Hub with their due consent. It shall be the user's responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions of the agreement and privacy policy updated from time to time.