
8 Programs On ESG To Watch At Climate Week NYC 2024

R.Anderson47 min ago

The 2024 Climate Week NYC is taking place September 22 - 29 in New York City. The annual event is hosted by Climate Group and held in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. It will gather international leaders from politics, business, and science to advocate for climate change reforms. The sessions will indicate the future of climate change policy and provide insight for business leaders as to future regulations.

The overall theme of the 2024 meeting is "It's Time." The programming is divided into four categories: The New Industrial Revolution; The Energy and Transportation Transition; Nature, Food Systems and Health; and Leadership and Green Growth. Each session is hosted by organizations and businesses throughout the city.

With over 600 sessions running simultaneously in person and via livestream , finding the right schedule can be difficult. Here are eight programs on the environmental, social, and governance that business leaders should watch.

From Compliance to Competitive Edge: Why ESG Reporting Matters for Your Business

September 19, 12:00 PM – 1:00PM EDT

Hosted by: CFGI

Theme: This webinar "will focus on why sustainability reporting is important and how it can impact consumer behavior, attract investors and help your business thrive in today's market."

Speakers: Olia Kalinina, Christopher Docherty

Format: Virtual

The Executive Series 2024 - The silver (and gold) lining: How leading companies are thinking beyond compliance and using ESG reporting to drive growth

September 23, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT

Hosted by: PwC, Climate Group

Theme: This event will ask what's next for ESG reporting.

Format: In person

DEI: A Competitive Advantage for Sustainability

September 24, 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT

Hosted by: The Nest Climate Campus

Theme: This event will address DEI and ESG backlash and the role of business in solving societal issues.

Speakers: Sandrine Bouttier Stref, Group Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sanofi; Ayana Nathan, Vice President, Healthcare, Siemens; Daryl Brewster, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)

Format: In person

Green Transition Policy and ESG: Global Perspectives and Chinese Practices

September 26, 8:00 AM – 10:10 AM EDT

Hosted by: TFSU-Grouphorse ESG Industrial College

Theme: This event will explore China's ESG policies.

Speakers include: Li Yingying, President of Tianjin Foreign Studies University; Yu Jiang, Vice President of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Co-chairman of TFSU-Grouphorse ESG Industrial College; Tang Xing, Co-chairman of TFSU-Grouphorse ESG Industrial College and Chairman of Grouphorse

Format: Virtual

Accelerating Change: Critical Actions for a Sustainable Global Supply Chain

September 26, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT

Hosted by: New York State Bar Association

Theme: This webinar will global supply chain's urgent environmental challenges.

Speakers: Betty M. Huber, Corporate Partner & Global ESG Co-Chair at Latham & Watkins; Ryan Laddey, Lead ESG & Corporate Compliance Counsel at Ralph Lauren; Linda Kleftodimou Smith, Co-Chair of the ESG Committee, NYSBA; Vlada Gurvich, Law Fellow at the International Senior Lawyers Project; Gal Shargil-Yaari, Steering Committee Arison ESG Center Reichman University; Ben Rutledge, Business and Human Rights specialist RCP

Format: Virtual

Unlocking the ROI of Sustainability: Driving Value and Trust in the Transition to Innovation

September 26, 2:00 PM – 3:00PM EDT

Hosted by: Workiva

Theme: Addressing pressure on businesses by global regulators to deliver detailed sustainability reports.

Speakers: Mandi McReynolds, Tensie Whelan

Format: Virtual

Scope 3 Solutions for ESG and HR Leaders

September 27, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT

Hosted by: HearstLab, Planet FWD, Scope Zero

Theme: This event will address one of the most challenge aspects of corporate sustainability - scope 3 emissions.

Speakers include: Julia Collins, Planet FWD CEO; Lizzy Kolar, Scope Zero CEO

Format: In person

Digitalization for Good & ESG Reporting Standards - Bridging the Gap for a Sustainable Future

September 28, 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM EDT

Hosted by: UN Global Compact Network Finland, UN Global Compact Network France, UN Global Compact Network Sweden

Theme: This event will "delve into how digitization can drive positive change and how robust ESG reporting standards can ensure these changes are sustainable and accountable."

Speakers: Ambassador Jarmo Sareva, Consul General of Finland in New York; Ville Tavio, Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade of Finland; Henri "Henkka" Hyppönen, Chief Inspiration Officer, Younite-AI; Anthony D'Arcy, Head of Sustainability Stakeholder Engagement and Enablement, Nokia; Andy Reed, VP, ICEYE.

Format: In person