- Times Leader
N.Thompson3 months ago
First Posted:
BASEBALLFavoriteOdds UnderdogAmerican LeagueRays 9.0rioles MARINERS 7.0Angels TIGERS 8.5 White Sox Rangers 9.5wins A’S 7.5 Red Sox National LeagueGiants hillies NATIONALS 7.5 Cards Reds 8.0 ets BREWERS8.0 Pirates ROCKIES10Padres DODGERS7.5 D’backsNOTE: There will be no over/under run total (which would be the overnight total) for all the Chicago Cubs home games due to the constantly changing weather reports at Wrigley Field. Please check with www.americasline.com for the latest Cubs run total on the day of the game.
NFLFavoritePointsUnderdogWednesdayGIANTS 4CowboysSeptember 9BEARS9.5 ColtsEagles8 BROWNSJETS3BillsSAINTS9.5RedskinsPatriots6.5aguarsTEXANS 10.5DolphinsLIONS 8.5RamsFalcons2ersPanthers2.5September 10
College FootballFavoritePointsUnderdogi-Notre Dame16.5NavyW VIRGINIA 24 MarshallPENN ST 6.5Ohio UNorthwestern 1iami-OhioILLINOIS10W MichiganTulsa 1 evadaNEBRASKA 20So MissMiami-Fla 2.5 BOSTON COLLc-Iowa 6.5No Illinoisd-Colorado5.5Colorado StGEORGIA37.5BuffaloFLORIDA 29 Bowling GreenTEXAS 28.5WyomingHOUSTON37.5 Texas Sta-Clemson 3 AuburnUSC 42Hawaiiar-Alabama 14 MichiganRutgers17.5TULANEOklahoma30 UTEPARIZONA11ToledoWASHINGTON14.5San Diego StSundayLOUISVILLE 13KentuckyBAYLOR9SmuMondayVA TECH 7.5 Ga TechTroy 6 UABDUKE 4Florida Int’lLSU44 N TexasOREGON 37Arkansas StRead the full article:https://www.timesleader.com/archive/45298/stories-americas-line199533