
16 To The Rescue: Hopper

R.Anderson2 hr ago

MONTROSE, Pa. — In this week's 16 To The Rescue we meet a nearly 2-year-old pit bull/mix coming up on his one year mark living at True Friends Animal Welfare Center near Montrose.

You can probably very quickly guess how Hopper got his name. When he first came to live at True Friends Animal Welfare Center near Montrose, rescue workers thought it was the perfect name for him, although he has calmed down a lot since then. Hopper was found as a stray here in the Montrose area about a year ago but no one ever came forward claiming him.

"Hopper is an almost 2-year-old pit bull/mix. He came in around 10 months old and he's been here ever since. His one year anniversary here is actually coming up next month so we're just really hoping to get him out of here and into a home," said kennel manager Jessica Hums, True Friends Animal Welfare Center.

Rescue workers think Hopper may have some lab in him, but it's likely his pit bull look that is the reason he isn't getting a lot of interest. Hopper absolutely loved the camera, he couldn't get enough of it. Rescue workers say this is a normal reaction from him, meeting and greeting new people is his favorite thing.

"Hopper is just the life of the party. He is so energetic. He loves to play, snuggle, he just wants to be with you all the time. He would be a great companion for someone that is active and loves to do a lot of outdoor activities," Hums said.

And once Hopper gets his energy out, he's ready to snuggle and give kisses. Hopper can go to a home with other dogs, cats and kids, although rescue workers would recommend older kids because he is so energetic. His perfect home would be one with an active, outdoorsy family, always ready to bring him along for the ride.

"He's been here so long and he really is so adoptable. We really can't understand how he hasn't found his home yet. He's had a couple meet and greets but nothing that stuck," said Hums.

If you would like to meet Hopper, you can meet him and lots of his shelter friends this Saturday at Woofstock , True Friends Animal Welfare Center's 13th annual fundraiser. It is from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Salt Springs Park, just 6 miles north of Montrose off SR 29 in Franklin Forks. Admission is $10, kids 12 and under (and dogs) are free. There will be food, vendors, raffle baskets, a bake sale and more.

You can also find Hopper's adoption information by CLICKING HERE .