
Anthony Mackie’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for Sept. 23, 2024

S.Brown51 min ago
BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Anthony Mackie was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on this day in 1978. This birthday star portrays Sam Wilson/Falcon in the Marvel Comics film universe. His other film work includes roles in "If You Were the Last," "The Adjustment Bureau," and "The Hurt Locker." Mackie played John Doe in the short-lived series "Twisted Metal." He also appeared as Takeshi Kovacs on the sci fi show "Altered Carbon."

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You don't need to pretend to be something you're not to impress other people. Hiding your intentions or avoiding your promises might be counterproductive. Group activities may be more comfortable than one-on-one time.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your determination to overcome obstacles, beat the odds, and fight back may prove to be useful in the right circumstances. Your ability with specialized skills could be financially rewarding or boost your credibility.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Everything is a matter of perspective. When someone says the wrong thing or makes a silly mistake, consider just letting it go. It may be time to overlook those embarrassing moments that can drive a wedge between you and loved ones.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): There may be a better chance of overcoming obstacles by applying sheer willpower. However, you might need to release control in social situations. Check your temptations, don't flirt if or when it's not appropriate.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Circumstances are ever changing. Prioritize your responsibilities even if you're experiencing a temporary financial setback. Your big dreams for the future could become a reality if you are diligent, hardworking, and consistent.

(Feb. 19-March 20): Hidden challenges and the consequences of your past behaviors may resurface when you least expect it. Consider slowing down to avoid pushing a budding relationship to the next level too quickly. Be discreet in social gatherings.

(March 21-April 19): While it's often said that opposites attract, sometimes it's the similarities that truly create unbreakable bonds. Consider seeking out those who share similar interests, as this could open the possibility of both business and pleasure.

(April 20-May 20): Concentrate on accomplishing tasks rather than dwelling on a list of wins or failures. Your dedication to achieving your goals could help you succeed where the determination and effort of others may noticeably fall short.

(May 21-June 20): An upbeat attitude can go a long way. Your enthusiasm and vision may be appreciated by others. Thanks to your past generosity with your time and ability, people might be more than happy to help you when you need it.

(June 21-July 22): Prioritize your goals and focus on your obligations. Your heart may be longing for love while your mind wants to make strides in your passions and moneymaking activities. Lean into your desires and go with the soundest choice.

(July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on the positive. If you search for faults and mistakes, or dwell on negativity, that's all you may see. It could be wise to embrace a more constructive mindset and seek ways to transform challenges into opportunities.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your drive and ambition may overshadow any outside noise that goes against your current goal. Something may arise that requires you to make a compromise. Find the courage to stand strong and encourage what's fair for all parties.

: In the next four to five weeks, you may be more socially gifted and might make new friends or enjoy group activities. Through mid-November you may be caught up in a passionate pursuit for material success, a business plan, or a creative activity that could dominate your waking thoughts. You could feel intent on completing a project and confident about putting in the time and effort. The likelihood of becoming more successful could increase. In late November and early December, your skillful strategic planning could be on the mark when dealing with financial affairs, business matters and projects. That may also be possibly a good time for a vacation or romantic reset, or any inspirational idea. In January, you may be feeling in high spirits and enthused about good health. This could be a nice time for a new exercise program or physical fitness experience.

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