
Area ministry offers free Sunday lunch in Carthage

S.Hernandez45 min ago

CARTHAGE, Mo. — A local ministry feeds the Carthage community, no questions asked.

The "Pressing Towards Your Goal" ministries offered a free lunch for everyone in the community at Central Park.

They've been doing it every Sunday since Easter.

The ministry was created four years ago, but only started feeding the Carthage community this year.

Co-founder Mark Phillips remembers a time when he was once hopeless, on the streets, and battling addiction.

This is now his way of paying it forward.

"I remember the people that would provide a meal at the times that I needed it, when I didn't know what I was going to eat and I wanted to give that back to someone else, give them that hope that someone gave to me," said Mark Phillips, Pressing Towards Your Goal Ministries.

The ministry is pressing pause on the Sunday meals until next Easter.

Focus has shifted to fundraising for Thanksgiving lunches.

They'll partner with seven schools in the area to help out a select few students from each school and give them a Thanksgiving meal for their families.

If you are interested in helping or wanting to join the ministry, visit their website, here.