
Be aware of trucks on Walton Levee near Emily’s Pond

N.Adams21 hr ago

WILSON, Wyo. — The Walton Levee, a popular recreation spot along the Snake River near Emily's Pond also referred to as "the dike," will see heavy truck traffic starting this month and lasting through mid-November, according to Teton County.

Teton County encourages all those walking and recreating along the levee near Emily's Pond to be alert of this truck traffic.

Approximately five to 10 trucks a day will be hauling rocks from the Teton County Road & Levee Department's stock pile facility, which is located on the Walton Levee, just north of Emily's Pond, according to Teton Road & Levee. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is accessing the stock pile facility to transport materials to the Imeson levee system, which is three levees south of Jackson and up river from the Game and Fish South Park Wildlife Habitat Management Area along US89.

Teton Road & Levee told Buckrail that construction trucks are also traveling to and from the stock pile facility to complete work on the culvert system located throughout the entire Snake River. To help ensure flood protection, the Army Corps of Engineers is removing and replacing all of the culverts along the Snake River.

For questions or concerns, contact Teton County Road and Levee at 307-733-7190.