
Beyond the Podium: Rep. Seth Magaziner says ability to work across aisle sets him apart

J.Smith32 min ago

Democratic incumbent Rep. Seth Magaziner represents Rhode Island's 2nd Congressional District.

"Beyond the Podium" asked him what he thinks differentiates him from his opponent in this year's election.

"I have a real track record of delivering for working Rhode Islanders. When I was state treasurer, I led an enormous school construction program that is building new schools in Cranston, in Johnston, in Warwick, and all across our district," Magaziner said.

He added: "In Congress, I have been leading on issues like paid time off for workers and cracking down on wage theft, and more funding for career and technical education."

Magaziner said the most important issue facing the state remains costs.

"We've made progress, right? So, the cost of gas in Rhode Island is now back down below $3 a gallon. Stop & Stop just announced that they're lowering prices on a lot of food items, but we've still got more work to do," he said.

How is he qualified to address it?

"I've shown an ability to work on both sides of the aisle. So, even though I'm a Democrat, I have worked with Republicans on some of my biggest bills," Magaziner said, adding that he's working with Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance on student loan legislation.

Magaziner said he's changed his mind about term limits.

"I used to be against term limits. I used to think that elections could serve as term limits, but now that I've been in politics for a while, I've seen that it can be healthy to force some turnover in leadership from time to time," he said.

The congressman said he wishes more people would ask him about a bill he's excited about, the PTO Act.

"It would guarantee at least 10 vacation days for all workers nationally," he said.

Magaziner calls Abraham Lincoln his political hero because he was a unifier in a time of division.

As for the best advice he ever got?

"Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously," Magaziner said.