
Big News! Green Philly Wins $100K Grant to Keep Driving Local Sustainability

D.Brown37 min ago
Huge news and a letter from our editor. I am beyond excited to share some huge news—Green Philly has been named a recipient of the Press Forward grant! Out of over 900 applicants, we're one of only 205 local newsrooms across the country selected to continue filling critical information gaps and supporting our community. This recognition is a testament to our impact since our founding in 2008.

Our work has always been about more than reporting — it's about connecting Philadelphians to sustainable solutions. Over the past 16 years, we've:

  • Told stories like the local food almanac Phully Rooted, investigated a contamination at Bartram's Garden, and highlighted sustainable businesses and organizations.
  • Engaged over 4,000 people at community events like SustainPHL and EcoFair, and educational programs on green burials, mussel measuring, and green energy.
  • Spotlighted local heroes and businesses like Farmer Jawn Philly, Philly Peace Park, and Sharing Excess, who are transforming Philadelphia through environmental justice, sustainable food initiatives, and innovative solutions.
  • While this $100,000 grant from Press Forward is an incredible boost, we still need your support to continue growing. Local journalism thrives when its community steps up. Will you help us sustain our work by becoming a Green Philly member today?

    Exclusive Perk: The first 15 new members to sign up will receive a ticket for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes glassblowing tour at Remark Glass on October 30th. What better way to celebrate sustainability in action?

    Becoming a Green Philly Insider will unlock access to members-only events, exclusive invitations, and more. This is your chance to stay connected and dive deeper into Philly's sustainability scene!

    A monthly donation of just $10 or more helps us continue producing high-quality, impactful stories that matter to you—stories on everything from fighting plastic waste to boosting urban agriculture or addressing the climate crisis, which is the reason we exist.

    We started Green Philly 16 years ago because we believe in the power of community and the urgent need to address climate change. Together, we can keep sustainability accessible and local for everyone in Philadelphia.

    Thank you for believing in Green Philly and for being part of this journey with us.

    With gratitude, Julie Hancher Co-Founder, Green Philly

    Become a Supporter! If you love what we do you can support our mission with a one-time or monthly contribution. array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#9114 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(4240) ["name"]=> string(13) "Press Forward" ["slug"]=> string(13) "press-forward" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(4248) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "post_tag" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(1) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }>