
Brewster Schools Assistant Superintendent Honored By Peers

J.Smith40 min ago
Brewster Schools Assistant Superintendent Honored By Peers Stephen Hancock, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, was named the Raymond R. Delaney Memorial Scholarship winner.

BREWSTER, NY — A leader at the Brewster Central School District has earned the recognition of those who understand his contributions, and his drive to better himself and the students in has care, best.

From the Brewster Central School District.

The Council of School Superintendents selected Stephen Hancock, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for Brewster Central School District, for the Raymond R. Delaney Memorial Scholarship. He was presented with the award yesterday in Saratoga Springs at their Fall Leadership Summit.

The scholarship is awarded annually to one individual enrolled in a graduate study program through which a School District Administrator Certificate or Doctoral Degree must be earned and nominated by an active superintendent of The Council.

Hancock, who is pursuing his doctorate in Education Leadership at Manhattanville University, said "I believe my strengths lie in being goal-oriented, a systems thinker, a reflective practitioner, and a lifelong learner."

Brewster Central School District Superintendent Dr. Michelle Gosh said, "Stephen has continually impressed me with his curiosity, thoroughness, authenticity, and outright care for all that he comes in contact with."

In his remarks at the Tuesday Morning Keynote, Hancock spoke about his parents and grandparents who instilled in him the belief that public education is the path to a better life and called on educators to embrace the unknown and "be the change you wish to see in the world."

This release was produced by the Brewster Central School District. The views expressed here are the author's own.