Building Permits: Arkadelphia Pizza Hut moving to new location
The City of Arkadelphia issued 3 building permits with an estimated construction value of $825,000 for the month of October 2024.
The estimated year-to-date value of construction jobs in Arkadelphia now totals more than $11.27 million.
Records were obtained from the city's Building Department under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act and include valuations of work except where omitted from reports. Here's a rundown of permits issued in October 2024:
Pizza Hut has plans to move its Arkadelphia operation to Arkadelphia Plaza at 112 W.P. Malone Dr. The pizzeria filed a permit to erect a sign at the strip mall. That step in the process will cost an estimated $10,000. Store management confirmed Tuesday that plans are under way to relocate. The new location should be open for business sometime in early 2025. A longtime staple in Arkadelphia, Pizza Hut for the past few years has operated as a delivery/carry out restaurant after dropping its dine-in option during the Covid pandemic.
The Cartersville, Missouri-based Montgomery Rental has plans to erect storage buildings at 323 High School Dr. A building permit listed the construction value as $800,000. The company didn't list the number of units it anticipates to add at the location.
Other building permits issued in October, listed by address/contractor/job/valuation: