
Candidate's View: Character matters; solving problems what I do

S.Hernandez30 min ago

Call me old fashioned, but character matters in leadership. Character should transcend our political-party labels. We don't ask our leaders to be perfect, but we also know certain behaviors can't be tolerated if we want to heal our divided politics. That's what I've done as an attorney and as a small-business owner — move past the things that divide us, get things done, and find real solutions in our community.

It's not just talk. It's action.

It seems the loudest voices get the most attention nowadays, and that's certainly true in politics. We hear and read about the extremes on both sides, because they make the most noise. But 85% of us are right in the middle, and when I get to St. Paul, I'll represent those of us who are tired of partisanship interfering with solutions.

Sure, we may lean one way or the other, but for us, it's not about whether Democrats are evil or Republicans are cruel. No, it's about whether our kids will have a decent school to attend, that our taxes are fair and spent wisely, that we have adequate fire and police protection, and that roads are decent in spite of our harsh climate.

It's about finding child care so we can get to work. It's about quality elder care for our parents and grandparents. It's about investing in rural economic development, so we can stay in our communities, make a decent living, and enjoy time with our families.

Those are the issues I'll work for at the Legislature, and I want to do it by bringing together people from across the spectrum in Carlton County and throughout our district. I'm a member of the DFL party, but I know that I'll look out for the best interests of the entire community, not just my political party. That's how we built the kind of community I've enjoyed in Carlton County for the past 25 years. I won't be afraid to disagree with my party when that's best for our district. You know that.

Because solving problems is what I do. As an attorney, I'm well known for identifying problems and finding solutions. It should be obvious that compromise is just good politics. When we have politicians who refuse to acknowledge that the other side may have some value, we get deadlocked government. But when both sides agree that there is some merit to each side's positions, we can deliver on issues like child care and infrastructure. That's what I've done, and that's how I'll govern.

If I win this election, believe me when I tell you that I will continue to listen to you and your concerns, even if you don't vote for me — especially if you don't vote for me. I will be a representative for everyone in our district, and I hope to earn your vote.