
Chilling moment predator who attacked two women prowls the streets with his trousers down looking for victims

J.Johnson24 min ago
This is the chilling moment a predator was seen 'prowling' a city centre in broad daylight with his trousers down looking for victims before assaulting two women.

CCTV shows Leo Payne, 20, strolling through Swansea in Wales as he exposed himself.

He pounced on a woman who was walking alone, telling her 'you're coming with me' after spotting her on the street.

The brave woman hit him with her flask and desperately tried to run away, but he caught up with her. She punched him in the face before two taxi marshals chased him away with his trousers down.

He then tried to rape a second woman just 40 minutes later, with Payne telling Swansea Crown Court he was holding a knife while he sexually assaulted the terrified victim.

The woman suffered cut lips, knees and bruising and shouted for help.

Payne has now been jailed after admitting two counts of attempted rape and sexual assault, also pleading guilty to indecent exposure and GBH.

He will serve 11 years and three months of his 16 year sentence in jail.

The court heard he was seen performing a sex act in public before hitting a disgusted man with a wine bottle after he tried to stop him on June 23 this year.

One of the blows hit the Good Samaritan on the head, causing injury.

The court heard he was caught because of his 'distinctive colourful top' that was seen on camera.

Judge Paul Thomas KC said Payne had 'a profound and long lasting effect' on the victims, who will take a long time to 'fully recover from the horrendous ordeal'.

He placed the man on the sex offenders register for life.

Iwan Jenkins, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Cymru-Wales, said: 'Leo Payne prowled the city centre carrying out a campaign of terrifying sexual attacks and violent offences.

'His victims fought back and thanks to their efforts we were able to work with South Wales police to bring a successful prosecution which will see Payne spending time behind bars for his sick crimes.'

Detective Constable Kelly Hurley said: 'Leo Payne preyed upon his victims while they were alone and vulnerable in Swansea city centre.

'His repeated offending shows that he was an incredible danger to others, and there were no signs of any remorse for his actions.

'I would like to pay tribute to his victims for their bravery in coming forward to report Leo Payne's actions.

'They will all be dealing with the unimaginable traumatic effects of his crimes for a long time, but hopefully this sentencing will offer some reassurance that he will no longer be on the streets.'