
Church preparing for pilgrimage

C.Nguyen40 min ago

Those who would like to experience some of the Old World while growing in their faith can join Father Todd Philipsen of St. Patrick's Catholic Church on a trip next summer.

The experience, Philipsen said, is a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi May 12-20. "It's an opportunity for people to go to Rome and see the seat of the Church, during a year that's been declared a Jubilee year. Part of the route will take us through Assisi, the home of St. Francis of Assisi.

Philipsen, who is the spiritual leader for the pilgrimage, added this is there seems to be a desire to visit the Holy Land, and a previous group of about 20 traveled there back in 2019. He further emphasized the pilgrimage is open to anyone, no matter their denomination, but it is "very Catholic in spirit and flavor," with daily masses and, hopefully, a visit with Pope Francis.

Dr. Melissa Johndreau is planning on going. She's been on a few bigger pilgrimages, but at her last parish — Sacred Heart in Groton, Conn. — she helped lead pilgrimages to local religious sites in the area.

"For me," she said, "I didn't know I had an interest or desire to do something like that until I experienced it. I think once you can experience something it can light something in you. A pilgrimage isa physical and emotional journey encompassing preparation, challenge and experience, where at completion a final reflection reveals personal growth and renewal to take forward into your daily life.

"I think always we can have a broader horizon of different cultures."

Philipsen explained a Jubilee year is declared every 25 years, and Pope Francis stated about 2025, "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire."

The theme of the 2025 Jubilee year is "Pilgrims of Hope."

"Maybe you look at the news, and it's always so downtrodden," Johndreau said. "Sometimes people can get into despair, and hope is something we don't want to lose sight of when times are dark."

As to how a pilgrimage compares to a mission trip, Philipsen said a mission trip is very focused on service and outreach to a group or individual with a specific need, where a pilgrimage does good and enriches people but the focus is not necessarily on service.

Johndreau said when she hears the term "mission trip" she often thinks of providing a service. "It's more reaching your needs outward, where this is you experiencing and taking an inward reflection."

The cost of the pilgrimage is $4,979 per person. This includes round trip airfare and taxes, luggage handling, seven nights in local first-class hotels, daily breakfast and dinner, transfers per itinerary, transportation by motor coach, whisper headsets, assistance from a professional guide, sightseeing and admission fees per itinerary, daily mases and spiritual activities.

Those who would like more information on the pilgrimage, or to sign up, can visit www.206tourstours.com/frphilipsen and use booking code TP051225.