
CISA tells us how to keep kids and oursleves safe online

T.Lee49 min ago
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) - With cyber attacks increasing it important to make sure your family stays safe.

We sat down with the Wyoming branch of our Federal Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security (CISA) agency to find out what we can do at home and at school to help.

It's back-to-school cyber security month, and with kids back in school and technology playing a greater role in education Its important for parents and kids to know how to keep their households safe from cyber threats.

To help, CISA has created toolkits to raise awareness of threats.

"Recognize phishing and report it, if you have somewhere to report it, especially at work. The second thing would be passwords do you have strong passwords, are they complex enough, and then thirdly do you turn on multi-factor," said Tim Walsh, Cyber Security Coordinator, CISA Wyoming.

Walsh also suggests updating your software and changing passwords quarterly to a whole phrase you will remember.

They also warn about A.I. as scammers create deep fakes and voice mimics to trick you with fake emergency calls from loved ones.

"Unfortunately people are falling for it a lot more than they should, " said Mikki Munson, Cyber Security Adviser, CISA Wyoming.

That's why creating a safe word with your family is important.

"If they are asking for your information to update any information and you weren't expecting that I would call your contact to make sure that was a legitimate email," said Munson.

The good thing is schools are teaching kids about online identity theft and how to keep online predators out, and parents need to be part of the conversation.

"Just talk to them. You need to be aware of the online communities they are in, talk about the apps they are using, and have those discussions with them so you're familiar with who they may be talking to and where they may be talking to them online," said Kyle MCKinney, Executive Director of Technology, LCSD1.

As a final precaution, kids are also being taught how to secure their shopping and online gaming communities by limiting personal information and adding multi- factors.

Cyber security month begins in October.

You can find a link to the CISA toolkits and information by clicking here .