
Club notes for Oct. 5

A.Smith1 hr ago

Kappa Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

CENTRAL CITY — Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met Sept. 19 for the 2024-26 biennium's first meeting at the Central City Public Library.

President Jackie Mason introduced guest Mary Jo Gallion, a Merrick Medical Physical Therapy staff member, who presented the program. A certified Tai Chi instructor, Gallion demonstrated the eight CDC approved moves used to help improve balance and coordination. She provided handouts, spoke of the benefits of regular participation, and reported the program is provided regularly at Central City's Good Life Center. She then invited Kappa members to do warm-up exercises with her. Finally, she welcomed questions about Tai Chi and allowed Kappa members who've taken instruction from her previously to join in a final demonstration.

Following the program, Mason called the meeting to order. Greeting cards were prepared for those sisters who've had medical issues or suffered loss, and members were informed of the recent passing of long-time Kappa member, Pluma Jo Peterson of Genoa. She will be included in the state convention memorial service in May.

Because of frequent inclement weather issues during January, it and decided to hold the meeting in April 2025 instead. Regular meeting times will remain on the third Thursday of each scheduled month, for a total of six meetings per year. The topic of Kappa's Little Free Libraries, located in several area communities, was also discussed. With DKG memberships down at all levels, members were encouraged to generate new ideas for an increase.

Mason reported on Zoom meetings held quarterly with chapter presidents and conducted by State President Lauren Walker. Mason attended the first meeting and a major topic discussed was information about the new DKGS International project. The former one, Schools for Africa, is sun-downing after two years and is being replaced by UNICEF. Chapters will be given support opportunities during the new biennium.

The next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, in Palmer. Members should bring all supplies needed for work on Kappa's Holiday Greetings for Veterans project.

Epsilon Chapter, Alpha Delta Kappa

Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa met Sept.18 at the home of Nancy Bishop.

Retired teachers provided a back-to-school salad supper in honor of the chapter's active teachers. Dixie Codner, Hannah DeHart and Jennifer Kipper were welcomed as guests. Amanda Levos presented a short program and highlights from the North Central Regional Conference held in Des Moines, Iowa, this summer. She reported Epsilon Chapter received the Six Pearl Chapter award.

President Katie Ramsey presided over the meeting. Committee reports and assignments for the upcoming year were discussed. It was announced Astrid Guerrero had received a Regional Mini Spring scholarship. Also, congratulations were in order to acknowledge Tracy Morrow who is the new State Hall of Fame chair.

Members were reminded the fall state executive board meeting with be on Saturday, Oct. 12.

The next meeting will be at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, at Peace Lutheran Church. The business meeting will be followed by a Founders Day Celebration with Chi and Nu chapters.