
Conoy Township supervisors act on at-home mail delivery in Bainbridge

D.Davis2 hr ago

When: Conoy Township supervisors meeting, Sept. 12.

What happened: After several months of delay, supervisors approved the advertising of an ordinance that would permit some residents in the village center zone of Bainbridge to receive at-home mail delivery. However, the ordinance restricts addresses on certain streets from erecting mailboxes due to space restrictions identified by the U.S. Postal Service.

Details: Mail delivery is not available on the following Bainbridge Streets: Plum Alley, Second Street from Walnut Street to Locust Street, Race Street from Third Street to Koser Park and the 100 block of Arch Street. Those residents will continue to rely on post office box delivery.

What's next: The ordinance will be taken up for a vote at the board's October meeting. Residents will then have 60 days to comment on the ordinance.

Opposition: Supervisor Stephen Mohr vociferously opposed the motion, voting "150% no." Throughout the process, Mohr has insisted the township still has no idea what it is doing. "You may end up making things worse," he said at the meeting. In the same comments he referred to the current female postmaster with a derogatory term and implied that township employees were somehow involved in "bribery" without offering evidence.

Public comment: Resident Hope Kimmich urged supervisors to move ahead with plans for at-home mail delivery in Bainbridge, recounting several incidents of packages being sent back before they could be picked up, late mail and years of frustration. She said she recently received a piece of mail postmarked in 2020.

Ambulance complaint: During public comment, resident Karen Schatz complained to the board about her son's treatment from Municipal Emergency Services Authority following a recent motorcycle accident. Schatz said she had not received satisfactory responses from ambulance authority leaders. Conoy Township is a member of the authority. Justin Risser, Conoy supervisor and member of the authority board, said the authority conducted an internal investigation of the incident, and he will provide officials with results.