
Crosswalks coming to three Main Street intersections in Elburn

G.Perez30 min ago
Residents of Elburn can look forward to pedestrian crosswalks with signs and flashing lights at three intersections, North, Shannon and Prairie Valley streets along Rt. 47, also known as Main Street, in the downtown area.

Based on feedback from residents over the years concerned about their safety when they cross Main Street, especially as traffic through town continues to grow, village officials requested crosswalks from the Illinois Department of Transportation at five intersections. They recently received approval for three of them.

Village Engineer Julie Morrison from Engineering Enterprises studied all five locations. However, two of them, the one in front of Ream's Meat Market and the other, South Street, were located south of the railroad tracks, and did not have sufficient sidewalk development to warrant the designation.

Trustee Pat Schuberg wanted to know what would happen if a motorist did not stop for someone walking across the street in the intersection.

"It would be a driving violation," police chief Nick Sikora said. "According to Illinois statute as well as a village ordinance, It would be for 'failure to yield for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.'"

However, he said that a pedestrian also has a responsibility to wait for a break in traffic long enough to enable traffic stopping before they step off the curb.

"Once they're in the crosswalk, the driver would be required to stop," Sikora said. "The fine would be $75, and with court fees, etc. would come to $164."