
Dennis Reboletti, District 45 State Representative Candidate

M.Cooper22 min ago
Dennis Reboletti, District 45 State Representative Candidate He is running in the Nov. 5 election.

ELMHURST, IL – Dennis Reboletti, Addison Township's supervisor, is the Republican candidate for the District 45 state representative seat.

In the Nov. 5 election, his opponent is Democrat Marti Deuter, an Elmhurst alderwoman.

Here are Reboletti's responses to Patch's questionnaire:

Dennis M. Reboletti

Town of residence

Position sought

State Representative for the 45th District.

Married, 1 son, 3 stepsons, 5 grandchildren.

B.A. in political science from Eastern Illinois University. J.D. from Valparaiso University of Law.

Practicing Attorney. Addison Township Supervisor.

Previous current elected or appointed office

State Representative. Addison Township Supervisor. Addison Township Trustee. Elmhurst Alderman.

Campaign website

The single most pressing issue facing the state is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

What are the critical differences between you and your opponent?

My campaign is laser-focused on improving the economy in the State. Requiring the state to live within its means as our families already do. More state spending equals higher taxes and fees that drive up our cost of living. We can not afford it, but my opponent is just getting started.

My opponent:

I've stood up to the Super Majority party and fought the State's corruption. I'm an independent voice. I know how government works and know how to get it working for the citizens.

Do you think Illinois's SAFE-T Act/no cash bail has been effective?

The SAFE-T Act should be repealed. This act has failed to keep our communities safe. It has turned the jail into a revolving door. Read the Patch and see all the repeat offenders committing new crimes. Once released, it is almost impossible to get these offenders back to court. There was nothing wrong with the previous system.

The passage of the SAFE-T Act has forced experienced law enforcement officers to leave their profession and, even worse, prevented prospective recruits from joining. The SAFE-T Act is a significant driver of recruitment decline. In short, the SAFE-T Act must be repealed. My first act as a state legislator will be filing to repeal this dangerous and destructive act.

What changes, if any, would you make to the state's gun laws?

The focus of gun issues should be on the criminals who obtain guns illegally, including violent gang members, who are continually released to terrorize our streets because of bad laws like the SAFE-T Act. Legislation must be passed to keep violent offenders who use guns off of our streets. Repeat gun offenders should be automatically detained for trial. This is how we improve safety overall. Gun safety starts and stops with responsible gun ownership, common sense policies, holding bad actors accountable, and addressing root causes like mental health concerns.

Do you support your party's candidate for president? Why or why not?

I support all of the Republican candidates, including our presidential nominee. He has a plan for the economy and inflation will shut down the border. While I supported Ron DeSantis in the primary, the Republican Party actually had a primary.

Are there any state laws that you think are unconstitutional and shouldn't be enforced?

Any law passed by the state legislature is presumed constitutional until a Judge decides it's not. Local State's Attorney and the police have broad discretion to enforce laws and prosecute cases.

Do you think state taxpayer money should be provided to ease the migrant crisis and burden on Chicago?

Illinois must prioritize its citizens first. The Chicago Democrats have failed us by putting illegal migrants ahead of other communities in need. Resources spent on migrants who just arrived in this country and state have jumped the line ahead of the ones who have come here honestly and legally. We must take care of our most vulnerable first, and this includes the disabled, homeless, and veterans.

How do you feel about school funding? Do you think school funding is fairly distributed?

One of the most important things the state should do is educate our students from PRE-K to PHD, but the state continues to fail in that mission. We must fund our schools and pay our teachers a proper salary to ensure our children are receiving the best education possible, regardless of what school they are in.

Illinois now has a law that penalizes public libraries for banning books for "partisan or doctrinal" reasons — do you agree with the law? Should a school district be allowed to ban books in certain instances, such as books seen as pornographic? Is the mere mention of LGBTQ topics considered pornographic?

We should not be banning books. We have elected and appointed library officials who are more directly concerned with this issue. Each library should make its own decisions. That's what local control is about.

What should be done to reduce the state's $140 billion in pension liabilities?

We should ensure that we have a dedicated revenue stream for pensions, such as money from gaming, to make direct pension payments and ensure no payments are missed in the future.

What would you do to help constituents struggling with the increasing cost of living?

In the short term, we need to be cutting taxes, lowering property taxes, and tackling inflation — solutions achievable through meaningful legislation from someone who has done it before.

However, these solutions are band-aids on a much deeper wound. The state requires a more sustainable economy by supporting small and medium-sized businesses, retaining young talent, and expanding career opportunities.

What restrictions, if any, should be placed on abortions in Illinois?

I am pro-choice and believe women have the right to choose.

Each state has been given increased rights when it comes to abortion and Illinois is at the forefront of access to rights for healthcare decisions for women when it pertains to pregnancy. I do not believe in third-term, partial-birth, or abortion for minors without parental consent. The state should not pay for abortions. Abortions should be safe, rare, and legal. I do believe that a Constitutional Amendment should be placed on the ballot to resolve the right once and for all.

My position on this issue has evolved. Just as it did for Senator Dick Durbin. The Governor likes to mention this about the Senator, however, my opponent and her left-wing allies attack me on the issue.

Other than family or health, why would you resign before your term has expired?

I would not.

At more than 6,000, Illinois has more local government bodies than any other state, even those much larger. Should Illinois reduce the number? Why or why not? How would you go about doing that?

When I was a legislator, I filed a bill to consolidate the paper-fire protection district in Addison Township into Addison Township and it was not allowed a vote. Also, I filed legislation to consolidate the DuPage Forest Preserve into the County and it was not allowed a vote. Currently, our Township Board has passed a referendum to allow the residents to decide if we should have an elected highway commissioner. This would save the salary, without a reduction in services. When it makes sense to consolidate we should.