
District 200 Addresses Referendum Questions With FAQ Page

S.Martinez34 min ago
District 200 Addresses Referendum Questions With FAQ Page District 200 recently shared an FAQ page addressing questions about its $151.5 million bond referendum question

WHEATON, IL — Community Unit School District 200 recently shared an FAQ page addressing questions about the $151.5 million bond referendum question it will pose to voters on the Nov. 5 ballot.

In August, board members approved the question, which will appear as follows on voter ballots:

Shall the Board of Education of Wheaton Warrenville Community Unit School District Number 200, DuPage County, Illinois, construct additions to, alter, repair, equip and improve the sites of the Franklin, Edison and Monroe middle school buildings, including constructing safety and security improvements, updating infrastructure and mechanical systems to improve efficiency, improving special education spaces and accessibility, updating science lab classrooms, improving music spaces, completing technology improvements and renovating instructional spaces, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $151,500,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?

Among these infrastructure needs, CUSD 200 listed:

  • Safety and security upgrades
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Modernized learning environments
  • Improved utilities
  • If the bond referendum question is approved, the debt will be issued over a period of 15 years, as opposed to 20 years. This will result in a taxpayer savings of up to $85 million in interest, according to the district's FAQ page. It's estimated the average taxpayer will see a $71 annual decrease in their bond and interest payments over the next 15 years, per CUSD 200 .

    The FAQ page states, "As the district has diligently paid off old debt, we are able to re-issue a portion of that debt amount to complete the effort to update our middle schools while letting the remainder fall off, while still reducing the Bond and Interest Fund levy for our residents."

    Residents can click the link to get their estimated change in tax payments .

    The FAQ page also addresses questions about why the district believes the referendum is needed, citing the schools' "aging 1960s buildings" that "weren't developed to support 21st Century learning."

    The response continues,

    "The science labs are too small and outdated and music rooms don't have enough space or sound barriers. Out-of-date mechanical systems increase costs, create inconsistent temperatures throughout the buildings, and in some locations are so loud they disrupt learning. Some floors are so old they can no longer be waxed and are splintering. The locker rooms and bathrooms are original to the buildings. And all three schools need upgrades to be fully accessible for those who use walkers or wheelchairs."

    Click the link to view the full District 200 referendum FAQ page .
