Ecumenical musical comes to Music Box “Meshuggah-Nuns,&rdquo
Ecumenical musical comes to Music Box
“Meshuggah-Nuns,” the new ecumenical “Nunsense” musical by Dan Goggin will be held today, April 3-6 and 10-13 at the Music Box Dinner Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville.
Tickets are available for inner/show or show only. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 3 p.m. Sundays. Dinner is served 90 minutes before curtain.
Call 283-2195 or 800-698-PLAY for reservations.
Legion to hold district meeting
The American Legion District 12 Department of Pennsylvania will hold its March meeting at 2 p.m. today, March 30, at the Harvey’s Lake American Legion Post 967.
All Post Commanders in the District 12 are asked by District 12 Commander Chester Kunigonis to attend or send a post representative.
For further information, call District 12 Vice Commander John M. Emil Sr. at 675-4461.
Alzheimer’s Support Group meets April 3
The Dallas Alzheimer’s Support Group will have a speaker from the Area Agency on Aging at 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 3, in the board room of the Meadows Nursing Center, 55 W. Center Hill Rd., Dallas.
Art works being shown
A showing of a variety of original art works in pastel by Wyoming Valley Art League member artist Liz Bignell Plashinski of Kingston Township can be seen through April 5 at the Beer Deli, Welles Street, Forty Fort.
Eastern Star plans spring craft show
The Dallas Eastern Star Building Association will hold its “Welcome to Spring Craft Show” on Saturday, April 5, at the Dallas Eastern Star Hall, Foster and Woodlawn Streets, behind the CVS drugstore.
Pre-ordered chicken noodle or vegetable beef soup sale orders may be picked up at that time. To place a soup order, call Pug Berti at 675-7247 or Dianne Corby at 675-4893.
Contra dance scheduled
A New England Contra dance sponsored by the Chicory House and the Folklore Society featuring music by “The Contra Rebels” and caller Greg Frock will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 5, at the Church of Christ Uniting, Sprague Avenue, Kingston.
No partner or previous experience is necessary. Admission to the dance is $8 for adults and $20 for families.
For information, call 333-4007 or log on to
Battlefield guide will speak to Round Table
The Wyoming Valley Civil War Round Table will introduce Paul Cooksey as its speaker at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, in the lower level of the Daddow-Isaacs American Legion Post, Route 415, Dallas.
A licensed battlefield guide at Gettysburg for 23 years, Cooksey will give his presentation on “Pickett’s Charge.” The program is open to the public.
Pickering Society to meet April 12
The Colonel Timothy Pickering Society Children of the American Revolution will hold its second annual meeting on Saturday, April 12, at the Castle Inn in Dallas.
Officers for the 2008-2009 year will be installed. The speaker for the meeting will be James May, Chaplain US Army Retired.
Victorian Dinner will benefit CCK
The Wilkes-Barre Women’s Organization for Networking (W.W.O.N.) will sponsor a “Victorian Dinner” to benefit “Community Cares for Kids” (CCK), an all-volunteer organization operating on children with severe birth defects and disfiguring injuries, at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 17, at Tribeca Center (formerly Victoria Inn), Route 315, Pittston.
The night will feature an Introduction on CCK by Dr. Francis Collini, board-certified plastic surgeon; Lisa Lewis, “A Victoriana Lady,” speaking on the Victorian and Edwardian eras along with vintage clothing, demonstrations and props; music by “Melinda” featuring the soft music of various artists such as James Taylor and Elton John.
There will be a buffet dinner, dessert and cash bar and raffle tickets available.
Cost is $36 per person. For tickets and additional information, contact Mary Ann Rubin at 298-2616.
Open Mic Night scheduled at mansion
An Open Mic night for poetry and acoustic music will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 19, at the Mary Stegmaier Mansion, Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre. The event is being conducted by Janelle Marshallick, a junior at Dallas High School, as her senior completion project and is open to high school and college students only.
Anyone wishing to perform should pre-register by April 5 by calling 675-0163. Prizes will be awarded.