
Editorial endorsement November 2024: Maxine Dexter for 3rd Congressional District

N.Adams6 hr ago

With three times as many registered Democrats as Republicans in the 3rd Congressional District, the main contest for who would replace longtime Rep. Earl Blumenauer as its representative was largely fought in the Democratic primary last May. Oregon legislator and physician Maxine Dexter easily locked up the nomination and will most likely win the general election in this Portland-dominated district.

But even those who aren't Democrats, should feel confident Dexter, 51, will champion the needs of constituents across the district, which covers most of Portland, parts of Clackamas County and all of Hood River County. As someone who grew up in a working-class family and sees the fallout of poor health care and rising housing costs on her patients, Dexter is committed to addressing such universal worries with the same work ethic that powered her efforts in Salem. Her record and priorities show voters why she's the right pick for the district.

Dexter joined the Oregon House in 2020, appointed to serve out the remaining term of the late Mitch Greenlick after she won the Democratic primary for the seat representing Northwest Portland. She handily beat her Republican opponent in November and was re-elected in 2022.

Her time in the state Legislature, particularly as chair of the House Housing and Homelessness Committee, showed her willingness to work across the aisle to move legislation with broad buy-in on urgent issues. She helped steer a package of legislation aimed at boosting shelter capacity and funding a variety of housing initiatives early in the 2023 session to get money out to communities as quickly as possible. She also spearheaded a bill that passed with strong support from both parties to expand distribution of opioid overdose-reversal medication to help address the rising tide of deaths across the state due to fentanyl. And she's shown her willingness to work with Republicans to achieve a compromise that makes progress, rather than stand firm for ideological purposes.

Republican nominee Joanna Harbour, 46, an attorney from Estacada, highlights similar economic concerns as a top priority, but emphasizes a different approach, including cutting foreign aid. While she said she would not back federal legislation to ban abortions, she does not share Dexter's – or the district's – longstanding support for abortion rights. And although Harbour brings experience as an attorney advancing the needs of clients and brokering solutions, it doesn't match up to the policy work Dexter has done to braid varied perspectives into a workable solution.

Other candidates include David Frosch of the Constitution Party, Joe Meyer from the Pacific Green Party and David Walker, nominated from both the Progressive and Independent parties. But voters in the 3rd Congressional District should go with Dexter to serve as their next representative.