
Election 2024: Republican Brian Fitzpatrick For U.S. Congress

M.Davis27 min ago
Election 2024: Republican Brian Fitzpatrick For U.S. Congress Patch is asking candidates to share their views on issues in Bucks County. Republican Brian Fitzpatrick of Middletown presents his ideas.

Candidates running in the Nov. 5 general election are providing background about themselves and their positions on the issues to voters in these profiles, which will run in Patch individually for each candidate.

BUCKS COUNTY, PA — Incumbent Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick faces a challenge from Democrat Ashley Ehasz in Pennsylvania's 1st District.

Biographical Information

: Brian Fitzpatrick

: 50

Town of Residence: Middletown Township

: Bishop Egan High School (Conwell-Egan) '92; LaSalle University '96, B.S.; Penn State University '01, MBA; Penn State Dickson School of Law '01, J.D.

Position Sought: United States Representative of Pennsylvania's First District

Are you an incumbent?

Party Affiliation: Republican

: Representative for Pennsylvania's 1st Congressional District

Why are you running for Congress?

Serving the community where I was born and raised has been the greatest honor of my life and I am proud of all that we achieved together as One Community. Earning the distinction of being the No. 1 most bipartisan Member of Congress is not just a title — it's a testament to my belief that true progress comes from unity and shared purpose, not partisan division. My experience as an FBI Special Agent taught me the value of teamwork in achieving what truly matters: results. This approach has been the bedrock of my service in Congress, where I've forged crucial partnerships with leaders from both parties to drive transformative change for our PA-1 community.

Whether fighting to secure millions of dollars in funding for vital community initiatives, leading the historic reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, or utilizing my leadership as the National Intelligence Chairman to secure our borders and stand firm against authoritarian regimes, every action I take — locally, nationally, and internationally — is driven by a singular focus: fighting for you... for your safety, for a thriving PA-1 economy, and for the prosperity, security, and strength that will uplift our community now and for generations to come.

We stand at a pivotal moment in our history, and the path forward demands sound bipartisan leadership and a particular understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing our community. I have proven we can turn thoughtful dialogue into meaningful action and achieve results for our hardworking families, business owners, veterans, senior citizens, and every individual in our PA-1 community. But I am not content with past achievements alone. My vision is forward-looking — building on what we've accomplished to tackle the challenges ahead with the same unwavering dedication, conviction, and integrity that have always defined my service. Our community is not far-left or far-right — we are centrist and pragmatic. Centrist is who I am to my core. It's who our community is, and it's what our nation desperately needs.

What do you see as the top issue facing the nation and how would you address it?

In these critical times, the most pressing challenge confronting our nation is not an external adversary, but the destructive force of hyper-partisanship that fractures our unity and undermines our democratic ideals. This division dilutes our collective resolve and threatens the foundational principles that have historically made America a beacon of hope and opportunity. To foster national healing and genuine progress, we must embrace bipartisanship as a guiding principle—an approach I hold as a core tenet of my leadership and reflection of my steadfast belief that we are stronger together than we are apart.

To that end, I introduced the bipartisan Let America Vote Act , which would ensure that every US citizen, regardless of political affiliation, has the unequivocal right to vote while reinforcing election integrity by strictly prohibiting non-citizens from participating in taxpayer-funded elections. Specifically, this legislation would allow access to political party primaries for Independents or non-affiliated voters. We need lawmakers answering to their entire constituency.

I will continue to fight for all American voices and restore faith in our elections. It should be easy to vote, and hard to cheat. That is why I authored H.R. 156 , The Restoring Faith in Our Elections Act. I support eliminating partisan gerrymandering, which causes lawmakers to focus on accumulating power rather than serving constituents and has contributed to the partisanship that grinds the gears of government to a halt.

To fix a broken Washington, we need a comprehensive government reform plan that challenges career politicians: implementing term limits for members of Congress, requiring a balanced budget to receive pay, and prioritizing fiscal responsibility. These common-sense reforms will transform the incentive structure, leading to more effective problem-solving for the American people. By cultivating the bipartisanship our communities and nation urgently need, we can restore the promise of democracy and move forward together.

Do you have any ideas on how to manage/address inflation and rising costs?

American families are currently staring down the largest tax hike in our nation's history with the looming expiration of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Without decisive action, starting in 2026, our hardworking families will face an unbearable burden. In PA-1 alone, taxpayers are bracing for a staggering 19 percent increase in their taxes. For a family of four earning the district's median income of $108,039, this means an additional $2,518 out of their pockets — roughly the cost of 13 weeks of groceries.

Moreover, over 89,000 households in our community will see their Child Tax Credit slashed in half, and 85 percent of our taxpayers will watch their Guaranteed Standard Deduction nearly halved. These changes would undermine the financial security of thousands of families in Bucks and Montgomery counties, further impairing their ability to afford basic needs.

At the same time, we are grappling with record inflation that is crushing our community. Gas prices have surged by 48 percent, electricity costs have risen by 30.7 percent, and energy services have increased by 29 percent. These skyrocketing expenses create a ripple effect, driving up the costs of virtually everything else, from food to healthcare. Our families and businesses are being squeezed, and it is unacceptable.

As the Lead of the Working Families Tax Team, I've been working closely with local business owners, families, and bipartisan leaders to develop solutions that directly address the challenges our community faces. Through in-depth discussions and roundtable sessions with stakeholders from across our district, we've focused on preserving and expanding key benefits like the Child Tax Credit, safeguarding deductions like SALT, and lowering individual tax rates to relieve the pressure on our working families.

My mission is clear: to advance policies that reward hard work, stimulate economic growth, and put money back into the hands of PA-1 families. I will continue to fight to ensure that our tax code supports and strengthens the people and businesses of Bucks and Montgomery counties. Through continued strong, community-driven leadership, we can build a tax system that works for everyone and paves the way for a more prosperous future for PA-1 and beyond.

What is your stance on the southern border and the immigration issue?

Over the past four years, we have seen firsthand the public health, humanitarian, and national security repercussions of a porous southern border. We cannot afford to allow politics to compromise our national security when lives are at stake every day due to ineffective border policies. We have waited far too long to take decisive action, and accepting the status quo is simply not an option. The consequences of inaction are severe: fentanyl continues to claim American lives at an alarming rate, cartels exploit our vulnerabilities for their criminal enterprises, and over 425,000 criminals — convicted of serious offenses like burglary, rape, and homicide — have been allowed to roam freely in our communities.

The stakes could not be higher. Securing our border isn't just a priority — it is a necessity to preserve our nation, our freedoms, and our way of life. Without a secure border, we cannot maintain a safe nation. That's why I joined forces with Congressman Jared Golden to introduce the bipartisan Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act. This crucial legislation helped shape the House National Security Funding Package, fortifying our borders against both foreign and domestic threats.

Our efforts have yielded tangible results, including the largest Border Patrol force in U.S. history, the deployment of new CBP officers to intercept deadly fentanyl, and critical funding for advanced security technologies and law enforcement support. However, our work is far from complete. Every state in our nation, including Pennsylvania, is now a border state, and this crisis impacts every single American. The time for delays and excuses is over. We must unite and take decisive action to safeguard the lives of Americans, restore security to our borders, and ensure the integrity of our immigration system while upholding the values that define us as a nation.

What is your position on the wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East?

As the world's oldest and strongest democracy, the United States' primary responsibility must be to secure its own borders. But we also have an obligation to assist our allies in securing their borders, especially when they come under assault by dictators and terrorists. Ukraine and Israel are freedom-loving democracies. They are our allies and we must assist them in protecting their borders just as we must protect our own. The world is watching, and abandoning our allies now would jeopardize our future security.

In Ukraine, we are witnessing a courageous struggle against Putin's oppressive regime — a fight for survival that seeks to extinguish democracy and restore authoritarian rule. The policy of the United States toward Ukraine must be clear and firm: we will always stand with our ally as they fight against Putin's unprovoked assault on sovereignty and liberty. As Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Ukraine Caucus, I recently introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Stand With Ukraine Act to strengthen our diplomatic and economic partnership with Ukraine and forge a path for peace and stability.

In the Middle East, support for Israel transcends political parties and should be the cornerstone of any Middle East foreign policy. The October 7th brutal and unprovoked assault on innocent civilians in Israel, including Americans, was not just an assault on Israel — it was an affront to humanity. From advocating for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and standing up to the dangerous anti-Israel BDS movement to defending Israel's interests in the Middle East through supporting the Israel Relations Normalization Act and the historic Abraham Accords, Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, and strongly advocating for the Iron Dome, I have demonstrated my commitment to Israel, day-in, and day-out.

In addition, as Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, I have worked to ensure our friends in Israel and our Jewish communities around the world are not just supported but protected — unequivocally and without hesitation. Antisemitism, and hatred in all its forms, from our campuses to the global stage, must be met with unwavering rejection and decisive action.