Extra DWI enforcement campaign begins through holidays in Minnesota
C.Chen3 months ago
OLMSTED COUNTY (KTTC) – Ahead of a busy holiday weekend, the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) in partnering with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety and law enforcement across the state, are reminding people to drive safe and sober this holiday season. Law enforcement statewide is beginning its extra DWI enforcement and awareness campaign Wednesday. The campaign begins Wednesday, November 22 and runs on weekends through New Year’s Eve. OCSO is also reminding drivers there’s more than one way to be impaired while driving. Besides alcohol, cannabis and hemp-derived THC edibles, prescription medications and sleep aids can also impact your ability to drive safely. “This is a special time of year, and sober choices behind the wheel will keep it safe for families across Minnesota,” said Michelle Ness. “Always plan for a safe ride, no matter how you are celebrating this holiday season.” According to OCSO, from 2018-2022, fifty people died in drunk driving-related crashes from the day before Thanksgiving through Dec. 31. There were more than 11,000 DWI incidents from the day before Thanksgiving through Dec. 31, which saw more than 120,000 arrested for DWI during that five-year period. Drugged driving accounted for 8,069 DWI incidents from 2013-2017 compared with 15,810 from 2018-2022, which is a 96 percent increase. OCSO is also reminding people of the consequences of a DWI which can include losing your license for up to a year, thousands of dollars in costs and possible jail time. Repeat offenders of DWI, as well as first-time offenders who had a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.16 and above, must use the ignition interlock in order to regain driving privileges legally or could face at least one year without a driver’s license. First time offenders above 0.16 are required to use interlock for one year. Offenders with three or more offenses are required to use interlock for three to six years, or they will never regain driving privileges, according to OCSO. Ignition interlock is a device installed on someone’s car. The device has a tube for the driver to blow into, and if it detects a certain alcohol concentration level, the car will not start. The device is installed near the steering wheel and connects to the engine, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. OCSO wants to remind drivers to plan a safe and sober ride by designating a sober driver, volunteering to be a designated sober driver, using alternative transportation or stay at the location of your holiday celebration. Driving high is a DWI, OCSO says to avoid using drugs and also is reminding people that just like alcohol, it’s illegal to open or consume cannabis while driving for both the driver and passengers.
Read the full article:https://www.kttc.com/2023/11/22/extra-dwi-enforcement-campaign-begins-through-holidays-minnesota/