
Former PSC Chairman Doug Everett honored

J.Wright10 hr ago

ATLANTA — The Georgia Public Service Commission held a portrait unveiling ceremony recently for Doug Everett, a former chairman of the PSC.

Everett, who was born in Cordele but spent most of his life in Albany, is the fourth former PSC chairman to be honored with a portrait in the commission's hall. In 2021, former Chairman David Burgess was honored with a portrait unveiling. Chairman Burgess was the first African American to serve as a commissioner.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Chuck Eaton, also a former PSC chairman, was honored with a portrait in 2023, and former Chairman Stan Wise's portrait was unveiled earlier this year.

Everett served 16 years on the Commission from 2002 through 2018. He served the public for more than 40 years. Prior to his work with the PSC, he served on the Albany City Commission and three terms in the Georgia House of Representatives.

"Doug Everett was a true public servant and a good friend," Commissioner Lauren "Bubba" McDonald said. "He was a good Christian man who put the needs of Georgia and Georgians above anything else."

While serving in the PSC, Everett was elected to a stint as president of the Southeastern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. He died in 2021. His wife of 61 years, Janice, and family members attended the portrait ceremony.