
Four million Texans expected to hit the roads for Thanksgiving, AAA says

M.Wright3 months ago

TYLER, Texas ( KETK ) — The holiday driving season has arrived and many officials warn drivers to use precaution when driving.

“We’re definitely seeing a big jump,” said Jeff Williford, District of Tyler Public Information Officer of TxDOT.

AAA said they are expecting around four million Texans to travel for Thanksgiving. Along Interstate 20, gas stations and rest stops were already filled with people fueling up and then hitting the road.

“The roadways are going to be very packed,” said Daniel Armbruster, AAA Texas Spokesperson.

For some, they will be visiting people they have not seen in years.

“The way the Army is aligned, there is not always time to be able to have dinner with family and this is the first Thanksgiving in like 22 years we’re going to be able to all get together,” said Andrew Ronald Partusch.

TxDOT said no matter where you’re going in the next couple of days, it is important to stay aware of your surroundings.

“We try to say ‘drive like a Texan,’” said Williford. “Be friendly. Try to be patient. Also watch your speed and that goes along with planning ahead.”