
Garlic, winter beds Butte Garden Club topics

A.Smith2 hr ago

The Butte Garden Club will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Butte-Silver Bow Archives, 17 W. Quartz St. Doors open at 6:30 and refreshments will be served.

Mike Shaw is the main speaker. He will present a program on "Growing Garlic in Butte.'' He grew garlic commercially in Idaho before moving to Butte last year to study engineering at Montana Tech and wanted to have a year's experience of growing garlic in Butte's unique climate before presenting his program.

In addition, Diana Widhalm will talk about growing petunias from seed, and Diana and Norm DeNeal will share their advice on how to put a garden to bed in the fall.

The public is invited to attend. For more details, call Norm DeNeal at 406-723-6656 or email him at .