
Halloween decorations, especially fake spider webs, can cause problems for wildlife [Lancaster Watchdog]

E.Nelson2 hr ago
Halloween is just around the corner, and the Watchdog knows some readers are excited to start putting up their favorite spooky decorations to celebrate the season. But readers beware: Not all seasonal decorations are safe for local wildlife.

Experts warn that one particular decoration — the fake spider webs that can be strung across porches, trees and bushes — poses a significant safety risk to animals, especially birds.

Fake spider webs often are made of durable materials including plastic, dense cotton and other artificial fibers that can protect them from wind damage but also trap and constrict birds.

"We get so many owls that get stuck in (fake spider webs), and the more that the animal struggles, the tighter that it becomes," said Tracie Young, director of Raven Ridge Wildlife Center in Washington Boro, which specializes in rehabilitating injured birds of prey, mammals and waterfowl.

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That constriction can damage limbs and wings due to decreased blood flow, and the webs can even wrap around a bird's throat, Young said.

She warns of the potential dangers of any decorations hanging from trees. Decorations that dangle, such as ghosts or skeletons made with cloth that moves in the wind, can confuse birds, and sometimes animals get stuck in them.

"(Wildlife) see this moving during the night and think it's a food source and they go in to get it," Young said. "They're in attack mode, and talons are going after it. Then they get stuck."

Julian Avery, an assistant research professor in wildlife ecology and conservation at Penn State University, said residents need to be mindful of decorations that look like a food resource to foraging animals.

For instance, insects caught in fake spider webs attract bats looking for a meal. Bats are common victims of fake spider webs.

In homes near natural spaces, Avery said, decorations with excessive noise and light also can unsettle wildlife.

Pumpkins, too, can pose a problem. Fake ones can get stuck on a curious animal's head, Young said, and real, edible pumpkins sprayed with preservative chemicals may be harmful to animals if ingested.

When decorating, Young said, keep animals in mind.

"Kind of think about your placement," she said. "Try to be creative like, 'Can the animal get a hold of this?' "

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Disentangling animals Anyone who sees an animal caught in a decoration can call the Pennsylvania Game Commission or a local wildlife rehabilitation center to send out someone to rescue it.

Daniel Brauning, president of the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology, said there is a statewide network of wildlife rehabilitators, like Raven Ridge Wildlife Center, equipped to handle such rescues. But because the centers are scattered around the state and dependent on donations and volunteers, a wildlife specialist might not always be available.

In an emergency situation, he said, the average citizen might be able to safely remove an animal stuck in a Halloween decoration. But he warned that even some small birds have a strong bite, and bats can carry rabies.

Any injured animal can be dropped off at a wildlife center, he said.

Brauning is not a fan of the fake spider webs.

"That stuff is unnecessary," he said. "Why create a risk to wildlife ... when that is absolutely unnecessary? Don't use it."

Young suggests leaving animal rescues to the experts. Members of her staff at Raven Ridge could potentially sedate an animal if needed, check it for injuries and remove the animal without causing further injury.

"It's a dangerous time of year for wildlife," Young said.

After Halloween, Young suggested people take any of their edible decorations, such as pumpkins or corn shocks, and place them in a wooded area or field, or around a bird feeder for the animals to consume.

Avery suggested composting as another eco-friendly option for natural decorations.