
Hillsborough School Board Election 2024: Diane Braungard-Galayda

C.Nguyen35 min ago
Hillsborough School Board Election 2024: Diane Braungard-Galayda Candidate Diane Braungard-Galayda shares why she is running for election on the Hillsborough Township Board of Education in 2024.

HILLSBOROUGH, NJ — Hillsborough Township's general election on Nov. 5 has five candidates running for three open seats for the Board of Education.

Diane Braungard-Galayda is running for one of the three, three-year seats against incumbents Allison Laning-Beder, Elaine Jackson, and Jane M. Staats, and newcomer Noor Jannah Hameed.

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Diane Braungard-Galayda

  • Age:
  • Town of residence: Hillsborough Township
  • Position sought: Board of Education
  • Family: Husband and a 19-year-old daughter
  • Education:
  • Bachelor of Science-Biology- Millersville University
  • Certification of Education- Millersville University
  • Certification in Nuclear Medicine Technology- Millersville University
  • Masters of Arts in Counseling - Kean University
  • Masters of Science in Administration & Supervision - Rutgers University
  • Doctorate in Education- Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education- University of Nebraska
  • Educational Specialist in Mental Health Counseling- Auburn University of Montgomery
  • Occupation: Teacher, Counselor, Supervisor of Counseling
  • Previous elected/appointed office:
  • Campaign website:
  • Why are you seeking election for the Board of Education?

    As a parent of a student who graduated from this district, I have always felt a connection to the community and have enjoyed raising a family in Hillsborough. I believe that my experience as an educator, my degrees in education, my knowledge of mental health, and my advocacy for high-quality curriculum have propelled me into seeking a position on the Board of Education. My goal is to make sure that all students have access to full-day kindergarten and mental health resources. I also want to support our teachers in their academic, mental health, and professional development efforts. Lastly, I want to ensure that all students are receiving inclusivity and equity in their classes.

    It is my view that we as a district can always grow with more culturally responsive teaching. As an educator, we should consistently try to integrate diverse cultural perspectives in our lessons and our literature choices. The goal is that our underrepresented students see themselves in the curriculum and can apply relatability. I recognize that this can be a challenging role for teachers, and it's something I consistently grapple with in my role as a counselor. It's important to always remember that our students have diverse learning styles, which means we must adapt our teaching methods to meet their unique abilities.

    Lastly, as a person running for the Board of Education, I am a big proponent of Student Voice and Student Choice. Our aim as educators is to give our students more options in assignments and topics, encouraging them to share their perspectives, which fosters a sense of ownership and belonging. I want our teachers to continue upholding high expectations for all students. The goal is to challenge stereotypes and promote equity for everyone.

    Safety in schools remains a high priority. Enhancements were made to schools in the district with the implementation of a new security team. How do you feel about the changes and do you feel enough was done?

    At this time, setting up a security team is the first step for adding support and being proactive with our security measures. Parents often view security guards as a means to prevent violence in schools, but there are proactive measures that can be taken as well. Personally, I appreciate the presence of security guards around the building, as they provide a sense of calm and reassurance. In my experience at the high school where I work, security guards become integral members of the school community, helping to redirect potential misbehavior and conflicts. In most cases, they serve as the eyes and ears of the administration, contributing in a proactive rather than reactive manner. Many of the students will find the guards to be relatable and tell them about potential conflicts before they can occur.

    In the future, if the budget would allow it, I would like to see more security officers in the high school and middle school. Our real goal with our security officers is to set up a safe, secure, and respectful environment where students can focus on their academics without fear.

    The district continues to wrestle with balancing a budget due to state aid cuts. How do you propose trying to address this?

    This can be a very trying and difficult subject for many in the community. As a taxpayer myself, I understand that people do not want to see their taxes go up any more than necessary. I feel that transparency and collaboration are the two major factors here. We need to involve all stakeholders such as the administration, teachers, support staff, parents, and community so that our budget and budget cuts align with our educational goals.

    I feel that a big way to address the budget cut could be to reduce non-essential programs, seek out cost-saving energy efficiency, consolidate any services possible, and then seek out grants that can help redirect our financial issues. I believe Mr. Volpe has sought out other forms of federal aid while looking for local initiatives and redirecting Title 1 funding.

    Overall the goal is to look at long-term financial planning and make adjustments as needed. A major factor that people forget is that when budget cuts occur it not only impacts the students and the curriculum but also impacts our overall educational morale.

    These are trying times for the district and the school budget is always on the communities mind.

    The Board is looking into redistricting the schools in the future. Are you in favor of this? Why or why not?

    I understand the need to sometimes re-district the schools if necessary due to enrollment but in this case, I am not a fan of the idea. Parents and students at the elementary level start their career in an elementary school that would be K - 4. During their time in the school, they are building a sense of community with the teachers, staff, and of course other families. I remember when my daughter was in elementary school, we would attend all the evening events because it gave us a chance to mingle with families in the area and network amongst the parents for ride-sharing and after-school activities.

    Right now the board is considering placing Kindergarten through 2nd grade in 3 schools and 3rd and 4th grade in 3 schools. That means that the children will experience the following endeavors:

    During their most formative years, children could face being uprooted four times before finally experiencing consistency in high school. Our young students need stability from the beginning of their education, not just between the ages of 14 and 18. Another concern I've considered is the time spent on the school bus. Previously, a child might only need to travel down the street to their elementary school, but under this plan, they could be required to travel across town, resulting in earlier pick-up times and longer commutes. While I understand that redistricting may relieve some pressure on infrastructure, we must acknowledge that this is likely a short-term fix for a long-term issue. Enrollment fluctuates every year, and what may be a problem in one school now could change next year, or even next month.

    In the future, we should consider adding more classrooms to certain schools or using temporary modular classrooms until the enrollment stabilizes. Additionally, many of our younger children experience anxiety and need a sense of structure and consistency in their lives. Frequent school changes every few years can heighten their anxiety, leading to school avoidance as they struggle to form connections with their school and community.

    Are you in favor of having full-day kindergarten in the school district? Why or why not?

    I am totally in favor of full-day kindergarten if the budget allows it. A student's education starts at Kindergarten where we are building a basis for a great academic foundation. When children are in school for only a half day, there is no time to learn social skills, playtime, and bond with others as well as with the teacher. The students are put onto a strict schedule of reading, writing, and basic math skills. I know that people do not think that it could be very stressful but to a 5-year-old, it can be very demanding.

    I believe that full-time kindergarten puts our children on an even playing field with other children in districts around us. I am not stating that we need them to be at an honors level, but what I am stating is that we need them to know their basic skills, and be exposed to music, art, creative writing, and physical education. Additionally, this transition helps ease the children's adjustment to first grade, especially as they begin working on math and literacy skills. It's important to consider that full-day kindergarten could also reduce the need for intervention and referral services in the future.

    What would you like to see improved in the school district?

    I would like to see the continuation of equity and equality in our school curriculum. I would like our district to provide more specialized instruction, curriculum, or tutoring for our English language learners. I would like to see more curriculum diversity for our LGBTQ students in the literature classes or even more diversity in our gender and civics courses. Lastly, I would like to see in the future, the district address the disparities between different groups of students, such as those based on socioeconomic status, race, disability, or language. Providing additional resources to disadvantaged students helps reduce gaps in academic achievement and future opportunities.

    What other issues would you like to tackle if elected to the Board of Ed?

    Our current administration and board of education have consistently worked to enhance our overall school system. They have set clear board goals, along with district objectives, aimed at improving various aspects of education. Community outreach, higher test scores, upgraded technology, school safety, and aligned curricula all play a vital role in student success from kindergarten through high school. I look forward to collaborating with the administration and the board to explore additional ways we can continue to serve the best interests of every student.

    What sets you apart from the challenging candidates?

    My fellow candidates all have wonderful life experiences that would assist and enhance the current school board but I would like to speak on behalf of myself. With my Doctorate in Education—Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education, coupled with my extensive experience in the educational field, I have a strong understanding of what contributes to school success, the importance of mental health resources, and the necessity of building a solid future for our children. Despite over 30 years in education, I continually pursue additional classes and academic growth. Staying current with educational philosophies is essential when working with children.

    As stated by educational theorists we need to develop the whole child and that can only be achieved by Social-emotional learning which has to become a central focus. For myself and my counselors, the schools need to increase the development of emotional regulation, empathy, collaboration, and resilience. SEL is recognized as essential for both academic success and personal well-being. Lastly, as I've stated before, I am a proponent of mental health support in our schools. It will always be my goal to advocate for more mental health resources, counselors, and programs that address students' emotional and psychological needs.

    Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your campaign?
