
Idaho races to watch for 2024 general election: 2nd Congressional District

J.Green29 min ago

The U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., at dusk. (Michael Godek/)

The Idaho Capital Sun last week responses to this candidate survey for Idaho's 1st Congressional District.

Thirteen-term Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson, who represents Idaho's 2nd Congressional District, is facing three challengers in the November general election.

Idaho's 2nd Congressional District — home to almost — splits Ada County, includes most of Boise and spans central and eastern Idaho.

Simpson, 73, has represented Idaho in Congress since 1999 for 13 terms. U.S. House of Representatives terms are two years.

This year, Idaho's 2nd Congressional District is a race between:

  • Republican Party: Mike Simpson

  • Democratic Party: David Roth

  • Libertarian Party: Todd Corsetti

  • Constitution Party: Idaho Law – Carta Sierra

  • Simpson has widely won re-election bids. Since 2000, he has won general elections by a nearly 34-point vote margin over the next top performing candidate, who ran as Democrats, the Idaho Capital Sun found in a review of past election results reported by the Idaho Secretary of State's Office

    The Idaho Capital Sun reached out to all four candidates vying for the U.S. House of Representative seat and asked them six questions about Idaho policies. All responded.

    Here's what the candidates said.

    Simpson: I'm running for re-election because there is still much to do in Washington, and Idahoans deserve an effective Representative who has a proven track record of fighting for our conservative values. My top priority is to secure our southern border. This issue is critical to our national security and safety of our communities. The Biden-Harris administration is failing the American people, and states and communities across the nation are picking up the slack.

    Another priority of mine is restoring American energy independence. The volatility around the world has shown why we can't keep relying on foreign oil, and I'll continue to use my position to fight against the Biden-Harris Administration's war on fossil fuels.

    With the crisis at our southern border, it's difficult to have any conversations in Congress about desperately needed reforms to our legal immigration processes. Agriculture is the backbone of Idaho's economy, and I've spent my entire career in Congress fighting for our farmers, ranchers, and producers. Overwhelmingly, the biggest issue facing agriculture is a labor shortage. That's why I've twice proposed the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. Our country urgently needs to reform its legal immigration system, and if re-elected, this bill would be a top priority.

    Roth: Abortion, LGBT Rights, Economy

    Corsetti: We must end the forever wars, proxy wars, nation building, & avoid entangling alliances. The endless wars are bankrupting the nation, creating humanitarian & immigration disasters, & putting our military at needless risk. Our military should only be used for strong national defense & should be home defending our borders.

    We must get back to monetary & fiscal responsibility. Central bank control of our money, limitless money creation, US debt, & the resulting inflation tax it creates are destroying our children's future prosperity. We must drastically reduce the size & budget of government, get back to sound money, end the Federal Reserve bank cartel, & separate money from politics. We should also end all foreign aid, corporate bailouts, subsidies, and corporatism, bringing back real free markets.

    We must protect the 1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments. I am an absolute advocate for personal liberty & individual privacy as recognized by the 4th Amendment. To be secure in our persons, homes, property, communications, and protection from unreasonable search and seizure. We must repeal the Patriot Act & mass surveillance of US citizens. I also fully support the right to self-defense, freedom of speech, & oppose all government censorship or control of communications.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra:

  • Regarding the "Poisoning of America": The National Cease and Desist of Radioactive Fertilizers: Use, Distribution, and Productions! These materials create cancer-causing ingestible foods, that in turn are fully digestible pathways into the body and are by far the main cause of any of the 72 trillion possible cancers.

  • The Clean-up of all of the Radioactive Cities of Eastern Idaho contaminated by the reclamation project of the Teton Flood of the 1970s –again contributing greatly to the cancers-causing processed uranium series materials originally produced ... and distributed across Eastern Idaho ... contaminating schools and children, homes, business, National Forests, farmlands, small towns, roadways, and Airports. Pocatello was contaminated by the placement of these million tons or more. ...

  • Arrest and prosecution of all politicians and agencies personnel who knowingly and willfully participated in the "Poisoning of America" with these longtime, true forever chemicals, and all-proven to be cancer-causing materials.

  • Can you vote in this race?

    Find which congressional district you live in on the U.S. Census Bureau's website

    Idaho's 2nd Congressional District — which U.S. Rep Mike Simpson represents — splits Ada County and includes most of Boise, as well as central Idaho and eastern Idaho.

    The district includes the entire counties of Lemhi, Custer, Elmore, Camas, Blaine, Lincoln, Gooding, Jerome, Minidoka, Twin Falls, Cassia, Butte, Clark, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison, Teton, Bonneville, Bingham, Power, Bannock, Caribou, Oneida, Franklin and Bear Lake.

    Find more demographic information about Idaho's 2nd Congressional District on the Census Bureau's website

    U.S. House of Representatives terms are two years.

    Simpson: As a lifelong Idahoan, I am deeply concerned about protecting our environment to ensure that we continue to have clean air and water, as well as guaranteeing long-term sustainability of ecosystems, habitats, and species.

    I strongly believe that we need to be realistic about where our energy will come from in the short and medium term, and to make sure our energy policies reflect those realities.

    We know that fossil and nuclear sources provide 85% of our current energy consumption and need carefully crafted proposals to increase our energy independence and reduce emissions in an effective and reasonable way. Instead, many of the proposals put forth by the Biden-Harris Administration have promised large tax increases, higher energy costs, and major job losses, all without any real improvements in climate conditions.

    Instead of creating a host of government mandates and forcing consumers to foot the bill for this legislation, I support using technology, incentives, and innovation to move our economy to sustainable, independent energy sources. I believe that to do so we must look at all the options, including renewable energy, nuclear energy, and domestic oil production.

    Roth: We must first accept that climate change is real. Then we need to look at options not only to reduce further effects of climate change but to mitigate the issues already caused. This is going to mean more support for farmers during periodic droughts, more funding for wildfire prevention and assistance in the aftermath, and of course looking for ways to improve technology which will make agriculture more efficient.

    Corsetti: Nuclear war, and chemicals in our food, water and atmosphere are of a much more significant concern than is CO2. The war issue can be resolved as mentioned in my top priority. The pollution issues can be resolved by getting away from corporatism, it's control of the media, and getting back to a true free market.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra:

  • Stop the contamination of water via radioactive Fertilizers.

  • Protect employ the keystone species, the Beaver, –also known as the $500,000 animal regarding water catchment, and purification.

  • In addition, I am running for Water Supervisor to more fully engage these very important issues. Saving Idaho agriculture demands we proceed to save Idaho agriculture and economy by radioactive fertilizers, as well as to stop the contamination of all Tribal agricultural lands by the BIA via Radioactive Fertilizer use- We have the solution and are engaged in distributing it across Idaho and the USA.

  • Wind and waterpower shall be first for Idaho and Idaho residents! Not just a commodity for quick money by a few out of state energy companies.

  • Our natural floral ecology is well adapted for our climate. Wildfires become an issue, when we have greater population growth and more careless citizens who play inappropriately with fire, therefore demanding more restrictions on careless fire. Stop wasting water. Stop playing with matches, the Feds can only bring more chemicals to the fight, and more chemicals become more problems.

  • Simpson: I have always used my seat in Congress to make sure the rights of the unborn are protected. I am proud of my 100% rating with National Right to Life and of my A+ rating from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. I oppose abortion except in instances of rape, incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger. I believe that the U.S. Supreme Court correctly ruled in the Dobbs decision that the power to enact pro-life legislation and regulate abortion be returned to the people and their elected officials.

    Roth: I support the protections of Roe v. Wade being reinstated. There needs to be federal legislation to protect these rights. An individual's rights and freedoms when it comes to their own bodies should not vary from state to state. Currently a person with a uterus has less rights in this state than they would if they lived in Washington. Leaving human and civil rights up to individual states has never been successful and it never will. We can't be united as a country when fundamental rights are variable.

    Corsetti: There is nothing in the Constitution that would allow the federal government to get involved in the abortion issue. Even if you think abortion is homicide, there is nothing in Article 1 Sec 8 on the topic. The correct decision was to leave this to the states to decide.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra: I am for Universal Health Care! I have lived and served in other countries that put me on their Universal Healthcare system when I lived in those countries. What part of Universal do you not understand? Federal vs State. If you can't have your health needs met in Idaho, one will surely go elsewhere. As is in my campaign: Life is First, ALL LIFE!, before Rights, before Pursuit of Happiness! Without Life the others are a mute idea.

    Simpson: With any piece of legislation I write or support, my top priority is considering the needs and priorities of Idahoans. As the Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations subcommittee, I spend months negotiating and crafting an appropriations bill that must balance agency priorities with Congressional priorities. We hold hearings, consider amendments, and continue negotiating until we have a bill that can pass both chambers and be signed into law. As many Americans saw (again) this year, that process is far from easy.

    My experience and ability working with diverse groups and individuals are strengths that I have used, and will continue to use, to help Idaho. My experience working at the local, state, and federal level have allowed me to work with nearly every group and many individuals across Idaho. My work on the House Appropriation Committee allows me to fight for Idaho and ensure that we receive our fair share of funding for programs that are critical to our state and the people of Idaho. I've used my congressional seniority to be a fierce champion for Idaho's producers, farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, Veterans, and families. I promise I'll continue fighting for our local communities, as I've done my entire career.

    Roth: Last year was even worse. I am not honestly sure how you can reach any type of bipartisan agreement when there is likelihood that one, or both, sides will act in bad faith. Take the Bipartisan Border Security Bill. This was negotiated over months with each side compromising. In the end it was scuttled by one person for political gain. How do you operate in a congress like that? I think that having such an evenly split congress is a big part of the problem. No one has to compromise. A handful of people get to decide the fate of any legislation. Because of that, there is no progress.

    Corsetti: The number of laws passed is meaningless and shouldn't even be an objective. More laws is rarely good. Many laws passed this year took away parts of our freedoms or gave taxpayer money away in the form of corporate bailouts, subsidies, and foreign aid. The size & scope of the federal government must be reduced, with fewer laws, and unconstitutional laws should be repealed.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra: Term Limits –2 terms, 'Zoom' voting, One Bil One Law! Get our politicians out of and way from SIn-City Washington! Be with the citizens you say you represent!

    Simpson: I believe that like all judges, the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court should hold themselves to the highest of ethical conduct in all that they do. The Supreme Court has nine justices, and it should not be expended. I do not believe in or support reforms that would expand the court and add additional justices as the Democrats in Washington would like to see happen.

    Roth: Yes, I believe court reform and an enforceable code of ethics is a requirement. Recent actions by justices have caused people to lose faith in the court. I think that one of the foundations of our democracy is the idea that the court is impartial and is beholden to no one. That is why they don't run for office and why they are appointed for life. The point is that they are to be above being bought. Clearly in the eyes of many Americans that is no longer the case.

    Corsetti: There should be a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices, and for all politicians. The lobbyist system, insider trading, political donations, PAC system, etc. needs to be completely overhauled, along with elimination of corporatism. Public servants should be just that and not serving in order to become rich &/or gain power.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra: May I say: Hell Yes?! To hell with those Justices, at any level, that do not stand up to injustice, and corruption, greed, and graft!

    6. The vast majority of Idahoans — 74% — say cost of living and inflation are their top economic concerns, according to Boise State University's annual Idaho Public Policy Survey. How would you work in Congress to address these issues?

    Simpson: First, we need to elect a president in November who supports economic policies that financially strengthen American households. Kamala Harris voted for policies that sent prices soaring and has repeatedly claimed that "Bidenonimcs is working" even though inflation has cost the average American household an extra $29,202 since Harris took office. Now she is doubling down on the Biden-Harris inflationary agenda by proposing the largest tax hike in history ($4.9 trillion), energy policies that will continue to send household utility bills and gas prices soaring, and a housing plan that will only drive home prices higher.

    Americans are not better off today than they were four years ago. The Biden-Harris Administration has failed to deliver on economic promises, leading to rising inflation, higher taxes, and stagnant wages. Americans deserve better.

    Additionally, I support American energy independence policies, support a balanced budget amendment, and have advocated for years that Congress pursue a "go big" approach to deficit reduction that would find at least $4 trillion in savings by putting all options on the table. This would include deep cuts to yearly discretionary spending and serious proposals to reform our tax system.

    Roth: Inflation is a world-wide problem and to be honest many would argue that in our country we have done better than most at keeping inflation at bay. I believe that is getting more difficult as you see more consolidation in our markets. New competition is generally snuffed out quickly. Take meat production for example. A handful of companies control the production of pork in this country. The largest, Smithfield, is Chinese owned. This near monopoly allows them to squeeze not only the consumer, where is their motivation to seek anything other than profit, but also the original producer as well. Smithfield knows that they can set the price at which they will purchase because at the end of the day the farmer has little choice but to sell them. This leads to lower profits for farmers and higher prices for consumers. Congress must look at ways to address consolidation and monopolies.

    Corsetti: Inflation is absolutely a stealth tax created by the Federal Reserve and the federal government. It is the result of the debasement of our currency, causing the destruction of the middle class, and the leading cause of the separation of wealth. As listed in my 2nd priority, we must get back to monetary & fiscal responsibility. Central bank control of our money, limitless money creation, US debt, & the resulting inflation tax it creates are destroying our children's future prosperity. We must drastically reduce the size & budget of government, get back to sound money, end the Federal Reserve bank cartel, separate money from politics, and bring back real free markets.

    Idaho Law – Carta Sierra: Freeze Money value! Cut off all the 'Zero's, as we used to say! Bring back coinage use instead of hackable imaginary electronic trails and transfers. Take the Billionaires! No One makes a billion dollars, they only steal it off the backs of workers that actually do the work. Have them take off their top hats, so we can go take a dump.
