
Independence police share tips with teen drivers on how to react to being pulled over

S.Wright3 months ago
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio - Police in Independence have been honored with a top level AAA Traffic Safety Award for an innovative teen driving program.

The city’s police department was given the highest platinum community traffic safety award at a ceremony earlier this month in Independence.

Police Chief Robert Butler said he was proud of his officers for their work on traffic safety, especially the school-based teen driver education program.

“We had to fill out applications and discuss our statistics and the impact on accidents or DUI and traffic stops,” he said.

Independence police officers work with students at Independence High School on how to react if they are pulled over by police. Shown here, from left, are Sgt. Kevin Repicky, Officers Brian Dalton and Mario Mileti, Police Chief Robert Butler and Lt. James Martin.Photo Courtesy of City of Independence

“Last year, we won a gold and this year, we were recognized with the highest platinum, so we are very proud of the work that got us here.

“In Independence, we do a teen safe driver program, which is the only one I have heard about. We offer high school students some time in the classroom where we discuss the effects of impaired driving and show them the equipment police officers carry in their vehicles, and how to act if you are pulled over by an officer,” Butler said.

“Then we do a practical session when we actually pull over a teen driver to show them what it looks like, what we look for and how to make the experience safe for the driver and the officer.

“Then we swap over and get the student to walk up to a car and look for things.

“We also give them the opportunity to meet with our service department and experience changing a tire and what to look for under the hood and what is underneath a car, and what to do if you are in an accident.”

Buter said the program has been very well received by students and their parents, with many parents even asking if they could take part themselves.

He added that the partnership with Independence High School has been very positive, and that the police department and school are already looking at ways to grow the program.