
Jim Costa vs. Michael Maher for California Congress race: Candidates answer key questions

J.Jones2 hr ago

Longtime Rep. Jim Costa, D-Fresno, again faces Republican aviation business owner Michael Maher in California's 21st Congressional District this November.

Costa beat Maher, a former FBI special agent and Navy veteran, by more than 8 percentage points in the November 2022 election. The solidly Democratic 21st, which covers the majority of Fresno, takes parts of Fresno and Tulare counties.

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The Bee asked the candidates to fill out a survey. Their responses were checked and slightly edited for spelling and grammar.

Jim Costa

Political party:




Occupation: U.S. Representative, farmer

Education: California State University, Fresno (Bachelor of Arts in political science)

Offices held: U.S. Representative (2005-present); California State Senator (1994-2002); California State Assemblyman (1978-1994)

Campaign website address:

Q. What steps will you urge to improve cost of living and quality of life for people?

Working to improve the quality of life for the people of our Valley is my job. That includes ensuring investments to improve water infrastructure and water supply and increase drought resiliency in California. I was instrumental in bringing $7.5 billion for over 425 projects in my district since 2021 — including $608 million for water storage, $738 million for aging water infrastructure, $21.5 million for clean drinking water and $57.8 million for groundwater recharge.

To address our doctor shortage, I introduced the Expanding Medical Education Act to help universities like UC Merced and UCSF Fresno create a full-fledged medical school. Rising housing costs are stretching family budgets, which is why I secured over $150 million to build affordable housing and tackle homelessness in my district.

Q. What changes, if any, do you support for immigration and border policy?

As a proud descendant of Portuguese immigrants, my family's story, like so many other immigrants, is the American story. Unfortunately, our immigration system is broken and needs reform. For decades, I have supported comprehensive immigration reform and will continue to fight to protect farmworkers and DREAMers, stop family separations, and create a real path to citizenship.

In 2019, I helped craft the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to provide farmworkers a pathway to legal status, the first agriculture labor reform legislation to pass the House since 1986. This legislation passed the House in 2019 and 2021. I am co-leading the bill again in the 118th Congress to get the job done.

In addition, I am a cosponsor of the Renewing Immigration Provisions of the Immigration Act which will update existing status adjustment process in the Immigration and Nationality Act registry.

Q. Other than cost of living, immigration and the border, what is one of the greatest issues Californians are facing and what tangible measures do you propose Congress take to address it?

One of my greatest responsibilities is to be a staunch defender of democratic principles at home and around the world. The world is on fire with conflict, with our adversaries seeking to undermine the U.S. and the entire world order. Defending democracy is critical for protecting and increasing jobs, economic prosperity, and the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans.

We must also protect every woman's right to make their own health care decisions. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ignored a 50-year precedent that is having a profound and dangerous impact across our country. No woman should be punished for doing what is right for herself and her family. I will continue to defend and protect reproductive rights nationwide.

Michael Maher

Political party:


Birthplace: Victorville (parents stationed at George Air Force Base)


Occupation:Aviation business owner, former FBI Special Agent, veteran

Education: Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government (Senior Executive Fellows Program); FBI Academy, Quantico; Fresno Pacific University (Bachelor of Arts); Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (Nuclear Prototype); Naval Nuclear Power School; Tulare Union High School

Offices held:

Campaign website address:

Q. What steps will you urge to improve cost of living and quality of life for people?

Valley families have been crushed by inflation. The price of everything has skyrocketed, especially the basics of life — food, gas, rent, utilities, medical — caused by overspending and mismanagement by the politicians in Washington.

I will work for policies that lower prices, reduce gas taxes, support affordable healthcare, and end wasteful spending while standing steadfast to protect against any effort to reduce benefits in Social Security or Medicare.

Q. What changes, if any, do you support for immigration and border policy?

I believe we have waited long enough for immigration reform; we need it now.

We should have a common sense immigration system so people can easily come and go, and we can know who they are. We should increase security at our borders and ports of entry to protect our nation and communities from those who would do us harm.

As a former FBI Special Agent, I understand the threat from foreign adversaries, organized crime, cartels, human traffickers and drug smugglers. We cannot allow them to continue to prey on those who only want to come here to take part in the blessings this country has to offer and provide a brighter future for their family.

Q. Other than cost of living, immigration and the border, what is one of the greatest issues Californians are facing and what tangible measures do you propose Congress take to address it?

Everyone is worried about their financial security and what the future holds. I will use my business experience and energy background to attract new industries and bring high-paying jobs to the Valley — jobs that will make families financially secure.

I will push to deliver common sense solutions so we can solve our water crisis and I will advocate for lowering taxes, reducing fees, and cutting intrusive federal regulations so our Valley can blossom with innovation and growth.