Leadership team attends community event
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Wilkes-Barre Strong, a project team of the Leadership Wilkes-Barre Class of 2015, participated in the I Love My City celebration at the Sherman Hills apartment complex on April 25. The event, sponsored by The Restored Church of Wilkes-Barre, brought together local organizations and area residents for a day of food, fun and community spirit. The team members began the day with a clean-up project at Coal Street Park as part of the Great American Clean-Up. The group then joined the I Love My City celebration with an information table which also featured a basket raffle for adults and games for kids. The group’s Leadership Wilkes-Barre project is the construction of a pavilion at Coal Street Park. A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the pavilion’s opening is planned. Wilkes-Barre Strong team members, from left, are Molly Bridger, Megan Tribendis, Jim Sabulski, Sam Moors and Johnna Evans.