Leaky US border benefits Dems
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The one and only reason President Obama isn’t doing anything about trying to stop all the border crossings is because almost all the arrivals are Democratic voters and future Democratic voters; no way will he try to send them back.
Everything Obama does is political. He had no reason to visit the border because he knew all these people are Democratic voters and that’s all he cares about. If these were Republican voters crossing, you would see the fastest fence ever built and the National Guard on duty the next day sending them right back.
He sends them around the country to try to change Republican states to Democratic states. (All will go on handout programs and stay on them forever, so how do you think they will vote?) This must be stopped or we will see the Republican Party go bye-bye and this become not a Third-World nation but a Fifth-World nation.
This is all for votes and nothing, nothing else.
Jerry Race