
Letter: America has finally had enough of Donald Trump's nonsense

W.Johnson29 min ago

For the last nine years this country has had to endure the never-ending nightmare of former President Donald Trump. There were the unkept promises: "Infrastructure Week," a "concept of a plan" for health care, the return of manufacturing jobs to America.

There was the 2017 tax-cut bill that made the super-rich even richer and grew the national debt.

And there was the blatant racism: the "birther" scam against Barack Obama, the "good people on both sides" description of Charlottesville white supremacists, and the later, phony charge that Vice President Kamala Harris "happened to turn black" recently.

And there was the misogyny: the Access Hollywood tape, and calling Harris and other women "nasty."

Then there was the desecration of the U.S. Capitol, our sacred temple of democracy, in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election.

And don't forget Trump's catastrophic handling of the pandemic. Or the many indictments and felony convictions. And oh, the lies — far too many lies to count or remember.

I for one, am sick and tired of the Donald Trump Nightmare. It's time for us to wake up, vote him out once and for all, and move on. America has had enough of you, sir.

Mark Etling

St. Louis