
Letter: Juan Ciscomani is Not Moderate

S.Wright44 min ago

Who is Juan Ciscomani? He's running for re-election in CD 6 against Kirsten Engel. He tells voters he's a moderate, but he's not.

He is a member of the Republican Study Committee that supports repealing the corporate minimum tax. The Committee favors eliminating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to allow unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices in the financial services industry. They also favor eliminating the National Labor Relations Board and weakening labor unions.

The Committee supports reducing protections for people with pre-existing conditions and ending Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices. They would transition Medicare to a model subsidizing private Medicare Advantage plans, which would privatize Medicare and make health outcomes much worse in our country.

The Committee also wants to outlaw abortion from the moment of conception and put the IVF procedure at risk.

Vote for Kirsten Engel! She stands for the values that matter to you—make your voice count with someone who truly represents what you want!

Vivian Harte

Southwest side