
Letter: Mass Shootings

T.Williams25 min ago

Dennis Prager, Jewish Conservative Radio host, asked: "If guns are the cause, why have mass shootings (70s 8/yr, 2020 51/yr), and gun restrictions, increased while gun ownership hasn't (guns per household: 1970 40%, 2021 36%)?"

Mass shootings clearly demonstrate the decay of U.S. morality since the 70s. Hippies brought us free love, sex outside of marriage, "if it feels good, do it." Further degradation followed: abortion, same sex marriage, legalized gambling, your own truth – Oprah.

Disrespect for the law (ILLEGAL immigrants are good) and abandonment of traditional values are normal, especially disrespect for the value of the human life itself. Sons see their moms kill their babies in the womb and then shoot their peers.

The Why? can be understood by observing the elimination of God from society: "evil is the absence of God." The rise in evil behavior is directly related to:

God removed from schools.

Church attendance: 1950 49%, 2021 29%.

Belief in God: 1950 98%, 2023 74%.

Guns are not the cause!

John A. Evans

Southeast side