
Letter: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey's New York lawsuit will fail for lack of legal standing

G.Perez1 days ago

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey's legal action against the state of New York is sure to fail for lack of standing. ( Missouri AG says he will sue New York for election interference , June 21).

Bailey's quixotic quest is aimed at New York after it charged and convicted Donald Trump of falsifying records to conceal hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels. In his announcement on social media platform X, Bailey said: "We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail." Bailey added that New York's prosecution of Trump "sabotages Missourians' right to a free and fair election."

By what stretch of the imagination does Missouri's chief attorney have a right to contest how New York enforces its own criminal laws? A first-year law student could explain to Bailey that one must have legal standing to file a lawsuit.

If anyone has gone "rogue" here, it's Andrew Bailey. He should stick to his job of enforcing the laws of the state of Missouri and not waste Missouri taxpayers' dollars tilting at windmills.

Steve Walsh