
LETTER: Red light cameras and Wile E. Coyote

A.Davis47 min ago

Your recent s discussing the pros and cons of traffic enforcement cameras have been both informative and, at the same time, extremely frustrating. Although the Clark County sheriff is in favor of using intersection cameras, there are lawmakers in Carson City who are using "end result" logic to oppose their use. Simply put: They don't like cameras and are making up ridiculous, nonsensical excuses to outlaw them. Here is a partial list.

There are other excuses, however, that the Carson City crew missed. What if Humpty Dumpty fell into a camera and broke it? What if Wile E. Coyote, while chasing the Road Runner, ran into a camera by mistake? What if lightning hit a pole-mounted camera? What if there's an earthquake or a tornado and all the cameras went down?

In my opinion, if an intersection camera will cause even one careless driver to rethink driving though an intersection at a high rate of speed and killing someone in the process, that, by itself, justifies their existence. Leave Humpty Dumpty and Wile E. Coyote in the cartoons where they belong.